Signing on to the administrative console (Docker deployment)
About this task
When using Docker containers, the containers must be on the same Docker network to communicate properly.
Start the PingDataConsole.
The following command uses the
environment file to configure common environment variables. See Get Started.docker run \ --env-file ~/.pingidentity/config \ --name pingdataconsole \ --detach \ --publish 5443:8443 \ --tmpfs /run/secrets \ pingidentity/pingdataconsole:<TAG>
The Docker image <TAG> used in the example is only a placeholder. For actual tag values, see Docker Hub (
Sign on using the information in the following table.
Description Details URL
Details to enter at login
Server: pingauthorize:1636
Username: administrator
Password: 2FederateM0re
If submitting the form results in a
"Server unavailable"
error, wait longer for the containers to reach an equilibrium"healthy"
state, as described in Verifying proper startup.