
Rolling out an update

When you roll out a PingAuthorize Server update, run manage-profile replace-profile to use a server profile that you have set up.

Before you begin

The steps in this section make the following assumptions:

  • A server profile has been created at the path ~/git/server-profiles/pingauthorize.

  • The server’s server profile variables file is saved at the path /opt/pingauthorize/pingauthorize-variables.env.

  • The existing server with the earlier configuration is installed at /opt/pingauthorize/PingAuthorize.

About this task

Run the replace-profile subcommand on a server that was originally set up with a server profile to replace its configuration with a new profile. The replace-profile subcommand applies a specified server profile to an existing server while also preserving its configuration.

While manage-profile replace-profile is running, the existing server is stopped and moved to a temporary directory that the --tempServerDirectory argument specifies. A fresh, new server is subsequently installed and set up with the new profile. If the final server was running before the command was started, it is left running. If the final server was stopped, it remains stopped.

If files have been added or modified in the server root since you ran the most recent manage-profile setup or manage-profile replace-profile subcommand, they are included in the final server with the replaced profile. Otherwise, files added specifically from the server-root directory of the previous server profile are absent from the final server with the replaced profile.

If errors occur while running the subcommand, such as the new profile having an invalid setup-arguments.txt file, the existing server returns to its original state from before you ran manage-profile replace-profile.


  1. Extract the distribution package for the same or a new version of PingAuthorize Server to a location outside the existing server’s installation.


    $ mkdir ~/stage
    $ cd ~/stage
    $ unzip  {pingauthorize}-<version>.zip
  2. Change directories.

    You must run the replace-profile subcommand from the location of the distribution package, not from the existing server.


    $ cd  {pingauthorize}
  3. Run replace-profile.


    $ bin/manage-profile replace-profile \
      --serverRoot /opt/pingauthorize/{pingauthorize}  \
      --profile ~/git/server-profiles/pingauthorize \
      --profileVariablesFile ~/pingauthorize-variables-dev.env