
Start real-time synchronization globally

About this task

The realtime-sync tool assumes that the synchronization topology is configured correctly.

Perform the following steps to start real time synchronization globally:


  1. Run the tool from the <server-root>/bin directory. This example assumes that a single Sync Pipe called "dsee-to-ds-sync-pipe" exists.

    $ bin/realtime-sync start --pipe-name "dsee-to-ds-sync-pipe" \
      --port 389 \
      --bindDN "uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com" \
      --bindPassword secret
  2. If more than one Sync Pipe is configured, specify each using the --pipe-name option. The following example starts synchronization for a bidirectional synchronization topology.

    $ bin/realtime-sync start --pipe-name "Sun DS to DS" \
      --pipe-name "DS to Sun DS" \
      --port 389 \
      --bindDN "uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com" \
      --bindPassword secret