
Configuration API responses

Clients of the API should examine the HTTP response code to determine the success or failure of a request.

The following are response codes and their meanings.

Response Code Description Response Body

200 Success

The requested operation succeeded, with the response body being the configuration object that was created or modified. If further actions are required, they are included in the urn:unboundid:schemas:configuration:messages:2.0 object.

List of objects, object properties, or administrative actions

204 No Content

The requested operation succeeded and no further information has been provided, as in the case of a DELETE operation.


400 Bad Request

The request contents are incorrectly formatted or a request is made for an invalid API version.

Error summary and optional message

401 Unauthorized

User authentication is required. Some user agents, such as browsers, might respond by prompting for credentials. If the request specified credentials in an Authorization header, they are invalid.


403 Forbidden

The requested operation is forbidden, either because the user does not have sufficient privileges or some other constraint, such as an object is edit-only and cannot be deleted.


404 Not Found

The requested path does not refer to an existing object or object relation.

Error summary and optional message

409 Conflict

The requested operation could not be performed due to the current state of the configuration. For example, an attempt was made to create an object that already exists, or an attempt was made to delete an object that is referenced by another object.

Error summary and optional message

415 Unsupported Media Type

The request is such that the Accept header does not indicate that JSON is an acceptable format for a response.


500 Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected error. Report server errors to Customer Support.

Error summary and optional message

An application that uses the Configuration API should limit dependencies on particular text appearing in error message content. These messages can change, and their presence can depend on server configuration. Use the HTTP return code and the context of the request to create a client error message.


The following is an example encoded error message.

 "schemas": [
 "status": 404,
 "scimType": null,
 "detail": "The Local DB Index does not exist."