
Running the server

Run the server as a background or foreground process.


  1. To start the server, run the bin/start-server command on UNIX or Linux systems.

    An analogous command is in the bat folder on Microsoft Windows systems.

    The bin/start-server command starts the server as a background process when no options are specified.

  2. Optional: To run the server as a foreground process, use the bin/start-server command with the --nodetach option.

Starting the server

Start the server using the terminal.


  • To start the server, on the terminal run the following command:


    $ bin/start-server

Running the server as a foreground process

Use the terminal to run the server as a foreground process.


  1. To launch the server as a foreground process, open the terminal and enter bin/start-server with the --nodetach option.


    $ bin/start-server --nodetach
  2. To stop the server:

    Choose from:

    • Press CNTRL+C in the terminal window where the server is running.

    • Enter bin/stop-server command from another terminal window.

Starting the PingDirectory server at boot time

By default, the server does not start automatically when the system is booted. Instead, you must start it manually with the bin/start-server command.

About this task

To configure the server to start automatically when the system boots, use the create-systemd-script utility to create a script, or create the script manually.


  1. Create the service unit configuration file in a temporary location, where "ds" is the user running the server.


    $ bin/create-systemd-script \
         --outputFile /tmp/ping-directory.service \
         --userName ds
  2. As a root user, copy the ping-directory.service configuration file into the /etc/systemd/system directory.

  3. To read the new configuration file, reload systemd.


    $ systemctl daemon-reload
  4. To start the server, run the start command.


    $ systemctl start ping-directory.service
  5. To configure the server to start automatically when the system boots, run the enable command.


    $ systemctl enable ping-directory.service
  6. Log out as root.

    To perform this task on an RC system, create the startup script with bin/create-rc-script and move it to the /etc/init.d directory.

    Create symlinks to this script from the /etc/rc3.d directory (starting with an “S” to ensure that the server is started) and /etc/rc0.d directory (starting with a “K” to ensure that the server is stopped).