
Available tool options

The collect-support-data tool has some important options that you should be aware of:

  • --noLdap. Specifies that no effort should be made to collect any information over LDAP. This option should only be used if the server is completely unresponsive or will not start and only as a last resort.

  • --pid {pid}. Specifies the ID of an additional process from which information is to be collected. This option is useful for troubleshooting external server tools and can be specified multiple times for each external server, respectively.

  • --sequential. Use this option to diagnose “Out of Memory” errors. The tool collects data in parallel to minimize the collection time necessary for some analysis utilities. This option specifies that data collection should be run sequentially as opposed to in parallel. This action has the effect of reducing the initial memory footprint of this tool at a cost of taking longer to complete.

  • --reportCount {count}. Specifies the number of reports generated for commands that supports sampling (for example, vmstat, iostat, or mpstat). A value of 0 (zero) indicates that no reports will be generated for these commands. If this option is not specified, it defaults to 10.

  • --reportInterval {interval}. Specifies the number of seconds between reports for commands that support sampling (for example, mpstat). This option must have a value greater than 0 (zero). If this option is not specified, it default to 1.

  • --maxJstacks {number}. Specifies the number of jstack samples to collect. If not specified, the default number of samples collected is 10.

  • --collectExpensiveData. Specifies that data on expensive or long running processes be collected. These processes are not collected by default, because they will impact the performance of a running server.

  • --comment {comment}. Provides the ability to submit any additional information about the collected data set. The comment will be added to the generated archive as a README file.

  • --includeBinaryFiles. Specifies that binary files be included in the archive collection. By default, all binary files are automatically excluded in data collection.

  • --adminPassword {adminPassword}. Specifies the global administrator password used to obtain dsreplication status information.

  • --adminPasswordFile {adminPasswordFile}. Specifies the file containing the password of the global administrator used to obtain dsreplication status information.

  • --outputPath. Specifies the path (and optionally, the name) for the support data archive file. If the path specifies a filename, the archive is written to that file. If the path specifies a directory, the file is written into that directory with a server-generated name.

  • --useRemoteServer. Invokes the tool against a remote server instance and streams the output and resulting support data archive back to the client. This option can be especially useful when the server instance is running in a container because it might otherwise be difficult to invoke commands or access files in that container. See also: --proxyToServerAddress and --proxyToServerPort.

  • --proxyToServerAddress and --proxyToServerPort. Use these options with --useRemoteServer to indicate that the support data archive should be retrieved from a server that is not directly accessible but can be accessed through a PingDirectoryProxy server.