
About request processors

A request processor encapsulates the logic for handling an operation, ensuring that a given operation is handled appropriately.

The request processor can:

  • Process the operation directly

  • Forward the request to another server

  • Hand off the request to another request processor

PingDirectoryProxy server request processors can be used to forward certain controls, including the batch transaction control and the LDAP join control. The batch transaction control must target a single Berkeley DB backend. For more information about the controls, see LDAP SDK for Java documentation.

PingDirectoryProxy provides the following types of request processors:

Proxying request processors

Forwards operations received by the PingDirectoryProxy server to other LDAP external servers.

Entry-balancing request processors

Splits data across multiple servers. They determine which set of servers are used to process a given operation. They then hand off operations to proxying request processors so that requests can be forwarded to one of the servers in the set.

Failover request processors

Perform ordered failover between other types of request processors, sometimes with different behavior for different types of operations.

Learn more about Configuring request processors.