

The server provides SMIv2-compliant management information base (MIB) definitions (RFC 2578, 2579, 2580) for distinct monitoring statistics. These MIB definition text files are in the server’s /resource/mib directory.

Each MIB provides managed object tables for each specific SNMP management information as follows:

LDAP Remote Server MIB

Provides information related to the health and status of the LDAP servers that the server connects to and statistics about the operations invoked by the server on those LDAP servers.

LDAP Statistics MIB

Provides a collection of connection-oriented performance data that is based on a connection handler in the server.

A server typically contain only one connection handler and therefore supplies only one table entry.

Local DB Backend MIB

Provides key metrics related to the state of the local database backends contained in the server.

Processing Time MIB

Provides a collection of key performance data related to the processing time of operations broken down by several criteria but reported as a single aggregated data set.

Replication MIB

Provides key metrics related to the current state of replication that can help diagnose how much outstanding work replication might have to do.

System Status MIB

Provides a set of critical metrics for determining the status and health of the system in relation to its work load.

For information on the available monitoring statistics for each MIB available on the PingDirectory server and the PingDirectoryProxy server, see the text files located in the server’s /resource/mib directory.

The server generates an extensive set of SNMP traps for event monitoring. The traps display the severity, description, name, OID, and summary. For information about the available alert types for event monitoring, see the resource/mib/UNBOUNDID-ALERT-MIB.txt file.