PingFederate Server

Configuring an X.509 Certificate IdP Adapter

The X.509 Certificate IdP Adapter allows a PingFederate identity provider (IdP) server to perform client X.509 certificate authentication for single sign-on (SSO) to service provider (SP) applications.

About this task

When PingFederate is acting as an IdP, this adapter validates X.509 certificates against the certificate authority (CA) in the PingFederate certificate store. Use the IdP Adapter window to configure the X.509 Certificate IdP Adapter.


  1. Go to Authentication → Integration → IdP Adapters.

  2. On the IdP Adapters window, click Create New Instance to start the Create Adapter Instance configuration.

  3. On the Type tab, configure the basics of this adapter instance:

    1. Enter the Instance Name and Instance ID.

    2. In the Type list, select the adapter type.

    3. In the Parent Instance list, select an existing type.

    If you are creating an instance that is similar to an existing instance, consider making it a child instance by specifying a parent. A child instance inherits the configuration of its parent unless overridden. You can specify overrides during the rest of the setup.

  4. Optional: On the IdP Adapter tab, in the Constrain Acceptable Root Issuers section, specify the CAs that you want to use to validate end-user X.509 certificates.

    Client certificates are always validated against all trusted CAs in PingFederate and the Java Virtual Machine. This section only restricts which issuers are used to validate end-user certificates.

    1. Click Add a new row to 'Constrain Acceptable Root Issuers'.

    2. In the Issuer DN field, enter the subject distinguished name (DN) of an issuer listed on the Trusted CAs window. For more information, see Manage trusted certificate authorities.

    3. In the Action column, click Update.

    4. To add more acceptable issuers, repeat steps a-c.

  5. Enter values for the adapter configuration, as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Client Auth Port

    The port that PingFederate uses to validate client certificates.

    Client Auth Hostname

    The PingFederate hostname that is configured to use client-certificate authentication.

    Parse Client Cert Subject and Issuer DNs

    When enabled, the subject and issuer distinguished name (DN) in the client certificate are treated as separate attributes. This allows you to do the following:

    • Add subject or issuer DN attributes, such as CN or UID, to the adapter’s extended contract.

    • Use the subject DN email attribute in the adapter’s core contract.

    • Use Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) expressions to extract other information from the X.509 certificate.

    This option is enabled by default.

    Match Issuer DN in Client X.509 Certificate

    Determines how PingFederate validates the issuer distinguished name (DN) for the client certificate.

    When selected, the issuer DN is matched against the entries that are defined in the Constrain Acceptable Root Issuers section.

    When cleared, the issuer DN is matched against the default top level certificate in the chain that is presented by the client.

    Advanced Fields

    Return Success on SLO

    When enabled, a "success" message is sent in response when the adapter receives a single logout (SLO) request.

    SLO is not supported by this adapter and the user session is not terminated. This feature only prevents other sites from experiencing an SLO failure.

    This option is enabled by default.

    Authentication Context

    The value used to populate the "Authentication Context" field in the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) token that PingFederate sends after validating the X.509 certificate.

    Default - Sets the value to "TLSClient".

    Policy OID - Sets the value to the identifier for the policy.

    Custom - Sets based on the value you enter in the Custom Authentication Context field.

    Custom Authentication Context

    The value used to populate the "Authentication Context" field in the SAML token. Applies when Authentication Context is set to Custom.

    Include Subject Alternative Name (SAN)

    When enabled, the adapter includes the following decoded SAN attributes from the X.509 certificate and makes them available in the attribute contract:

    • userPrincipalName

    • RFC822Name

    • fascn_sen

    • fascn_wo_sen

    • fascn_hex

    • deviceId

  6. On the Extended Contract tab, add any attributes, that you want to include in the extended contract. Enter attributes in uppercase. Only attributes specified in[RFC 2253] are allowed: CN, L, ST, O, OU, C, STREET, DC, and UID.

    You can include subject DN components in this list.

    If you selected Parse Client Cert Subject and Issuer DNs on the IdP Adapter tab, you can also include the subject DN email component, as well as issuer DN components.

    For issuer DN components, prefix the attribute with issuer_, such asissuer_CN.

  7. On the Adapter Attributes tab, do the following:

    1. Optional: From the Unique User Key Attribute list, select an attribute to uniquely identify users signing on with this adapter.

      The attribute’s value is used to identify user sessions across all adapters. None is selected by default.

      If you choose a custom user key attribute, PingFederate uses the value of the attribute after the Adapter Contract Mapping (if any) has been evaluated. If you choose a custom user key attribute that is based on the username, configure the adapter’s password credential validator (PCV) to trim spaces.

      For the HTML Form Adapter, If you enabled the Revoke Sessions after Password Change or Reset option on the IdP Adapter tab, you cannot select None as the unique user key attribute. Doing so results in an error message.

    2. Select the check box under Pseudonym for the user identifier of the adapter and optionally for the other attributes, if available.

      This selection is used if any of your SP partners use pseudonyms for account linking.

      A selection is required whether or not you use pseudonyms for account linking. This allows account linking to be used later without having to delete and reconfigure the adapter. Ensure that you choose at least one attribute that is unique for each user, such as a user’s email, to prevent assigning the same pseudonym to multiple users.

    3. Select the check box under Mask Log Values for any attributes whose values you want PingFederate to mask in its logs at runtime.

      Masking is not applied to the unique user key attribute in the logs even though the attribute used for the key is marked as Mask Log Values.

    4. Select the Mask all OGNL-expression generated log values check box if OGNL expressions might be used to map derived values into outgoing assertions and you want those values masked.

  8. On the Adapter Contract Mapping tab, configure the adapter contract for this instance with the following optional workflows:

    • Configure one or more data sources for datastore queries.

    • Fulfill adapter contract with values from the adapter, the default, datastore queries, if configured, context of the request, text, or expressions, if enabled.

    • Set up the Token Authorization framework to validate one or more criteria prior to the issuance of the adapter contract.

  9. Optional: On the Summary tab, review your configuration and modify as needed. Click Save.