PingFederate Server

Collecting support data in the administrative console

Collect detailed data that Ping Identity Support can use to help you troubleshoot issues with PingFederate.

You can also use the command line collect support data tool.

You must have Data Collection Admin permissions to use this menu. Learn more in Administrative accounts.


  1. Go to System > Server > Collect Support Data.

  2. Select the checkboxes for the server nodes from which you want to collect data.

    If PingFederate is running in Standalone mode, there will be no nodes to select.

  3. (Optional) Click Options to expand the data collection options menu.

  4. Configure the options for your data collection.

    The following table describes the options:

    Option Description

    Encrypt Archive

    Select to encrypt the support data archive.

    Encryption Passphrase

    If you selected Encryption Passphrase, enter a passphrase that will decrypt the encrypted archive.

    Truncate Logs

    Select to truncate the PingFederate logs in the archive.

    File Head Collection Size

    The amount of data in kilobytes to collect at the beginning of truncated files.

    Valid values are integers. The default value is 100 KB.

    Available only if you selected Truncate Logs.

    File Tail Collection Size

    The amount of data in kilobytes to collect at the end of truncated files.

    Valid values are integers. The default value is 900 KB.

    Available only if you selected Truncate Logs.

    Rolled Log Count

    The number of rolled server log files to collect.

    Collect Expensive Data

    When selected, collect data from from expensive or long-running processes, such as the pstack command.

    Logging these processes could make PingFederate unresponsive for a few minutes.

    Include Binary Files

    When selected, include binary files in the collected archive.

    Number of Heartbeat Samples

    The number of heartbeat endpoint calls to include in the archive.

    Interval Between Heartbeat Samples

    The number of seconds between heartbeat endpoint calls.

    Report Count

    The number of reports generated for commands that support sampling, such as the jstat command.

    A value of 0 will generate no reports for these commands.

    Report Interval

    The number of seconds between reports for commands that support sampling.


    Additional information about the collected data set.

    Text entered in this field will be included in generated archive as a README file.

  5. Click Collect.


    PingFederate diplays a message that an archive is being generated. The server node listings at the top of the menu display the status of the archive generation.

  6. After archive generation completes, click Download.