
Installing the server noninteractively

For an automated installation, run the setup tool in noninteractive, command-line mode.

Before you begin

Be prepared to provide the following settings using command-line arguments:

  • The location of a valid license file

  • The name and password for an administrative account, which is also called the root user distinguished name (DN).

  • An available port for PingAuthorize Server to accept HTTPS requests

  • An available LDAPS port for PingAuthorize Server to accept administrative requests

  • Information related to the server’s connection security, including the location of a keystore that contains the server certificate, the nickname of that server certificate, and the location of a truststore

  • The amount of memory to reserve for usage by the Java virtual machine (JVM)

  • A unique instance name for the server


  • Run the setup tool to install the server noninteractively.

  • For more information about the available setup options, run setup with the --help argument, which displays a complete list of setup options, along with examples.

    $ ./setup --help


The following example sets up PingAuthorize with these settings:

  • LDAP port 8389

  • LDAPS port 8636

  • HTTPS port 8443

  • An automatically generated self-signed server certificate

  • 1 GB of memory reserved for the server’s JVM

  • A unique server instance name of pingauthorize1

  • A server location of Austin

$ ./setup \
  --cli --no-prompt --acceptLicense \
  --licenseKeyFile  <path-to-license>  \
  --rootUserDN "cn=directory manager" \
  --rootUserPassword  <your-password>  \
  --ldapPort 8389 --ldapsPort 8636 \
  --httpsPort 8443 \
  --generateSelfSignedCertificate \
  --maxHeapSize 1g \
  --instanceName pingauthorize1 \
  --location Austin