
Logging HTTP performance statistics using the Periodic Stats Logger

To log HTTP performance statistics, set the Periodic Stats Logger property included-http-servlet-stat.

About this task

You can log HTTP performance statistics for any combination of the following servlet extensions:

  • gateway

  • scim2

  • sideband-api

The provided statistics come in pairs:

  • One statistic represents the average latency introduced by PingAuthorize during the current log interval in microseconds. The calculation is total time to respond to a request less the time spent waiting for the upstream server.

  • The other statistic represents the number of requests made during the current log interval.

These throughput and latency pairs exist for every service, action combination for the scim2 and sideband-api servlet extensions and for every service, HTTP method combination for the gateway servlet extension.

To log these statistics:


  1. Enable the Periodic Stats Logger.

    For more information, see Enabling the Stats Logger.

  2. Set the included-http-servlet-stat property.

    For more information, see Configuring multiple Periodic Stats Loggers.