If you are upgrading from PingFederate 8.0.x, no action is required.

If you are upgrading from PingFederate 7.1.x through 7.3, consider running the alter-table script, <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/conf/provisioner/sql-scripts/updates/add-subgroup-membership-<database>.sql, for your database server to update the existing group_membership table.

If you are upgrading from PingFederate 7.0.1 or an earlier version, consider using the table-setup script, <pf_install>/pingfederate/server/default/conf/provisioner/sql-scripts/provisioner-<database>.sql, for your database server as a reference to add the new group_membership table to your existing internal datastore.

Alternatively, you can create a new database using the table-setup script and let the outbound provisioner repopulate the new internal datastore on its next run, regardless of the PingFederate version you are running.


The table-setup script removes the existing (outbound provisioning) tables. To keep a copy of the current data, use the tools available from your database vendor to make a backup before running the table-setup script.