PingFederate Server

Directory structure

The PingFederate SDK directory (<pf_install>/pingfederate/sdk) contains the following:

  • plugin-src/ – The directory where you place your custom plugin projects. This directory also contains example plugin implementations showing a wide range of functionality. You can use these examples to develop your own implementations.

  • doc/ – Contains the SDK Javadocs. Open index.html to get started.

  • lib/ – Contains libraries used for compiling and deploying custom components into PingFederate.

  • – Contains properties used by the Ant build script, build.xml, to compile and deploy your custom components. Do not modify this file; use to override any properties, if needed.

  • – Allows you to specify which project you want to build and define properties specific to your environment. Use this file to declare the project you want to build.

  • build.xml – The Ant build script used to compile, build, and deploy your component. This file should not need modification.