The /pf/ endpoint initiates direct IdP-to-SP adapter mapping, mostly intended for the internal users to access resources without maintaining a service provider (SP) and an identity provider (IdP) connection on the same server.
To prevent users from circumventing the SP authentication policies, this endpoint becomes inactive when SP authentication policies are enabled but IdP authentication policies are disabled. Administrators can configure SP authentication policies for the internal users to re-enable access to protected resources.
Suppose you have configured the following use cases in PingFederate 8.0.
For users from Hotel, an IdP:
- An SP adapter instance:
- Name: Sample Hotel
- ID: sampleHotel
- A SAML 2.0 IdP connection:
- Partner: Hotel
- Federation ID: sso.hotel.local
- SAML Profile: SP-initiated single sign-on (SSO) only
- Identity mapping method: Account mapping
- Default target URL: https://sso.xray.local:9031/SpSample/MainPage/?app=Hotel&t=h
- SSO URL: https://sso.xray.local:9031/sp/
For internal users:
An IdP HTML Form Adapter instance, HTML Form, validating credentials through a Password Credential Validator (PCV) instance against your user directory
An adapter-to-adapter mapping:
- Source: HTML Form
- Target: Sample Hotel
- Default target URL: https://sso.xray.local:9031/SpSample/MainPage/?app=Internal&t=i
- SSO URL: https://sso.xray.local:9031/pf/
After upgrading to PingFederate 10.1, if you want to enforce multi-factor authentication for users from Hotel through Bravo, you can create an IdP connection to Bravo and the following authentication policy.
Because the authentication policy ends with a policy contract Hotel authenticated, you must create an adapter mapping, from the policy contract, to Sample Hotel, the SP adapter instance integrated with the target application. You also need to update the SSO URL for users from Hotel to https://sso.xray.local:9031/sp/
When you select the SP Authentication Policies check box without selecting the IdP Authentication Policies check box, the /pf/ endpoint is disabled to prevent malicious Hotel's users, with specific knowledge of PingFederate endpoints, your PingFederate configuration, and functional credentials, from trying to access the target application through the SSO URL intended for your internal users. By doing so, you circumvent the SP authentication policy that is meant for them.
- An additional SP adapter instance, Sample Internal to integrate with the target application. See step 1.
- An authentication policy contract, Internal authenticated, to carry attributes from internal users to the target applications. See step 2.
- An instance of the CIDR Authentication Selector to be deployed in the authentication policy to reject users from external networks to access protected resources using your HTML Form Adapter. Alternatively, deploy an instance of the PingID Adapter in the authentication policy to enforce multifactor authentication for users who authenticated successfully using the HTML Form Adapter. See step 3.
- An authentication policy for the internal users. See step 4.
- An adapter mapping to map from the authentication policy contracts Internal authenticated to the SP adapter instance Sample Internal. See step 5.
- A new SSO URL for the internal users. See step 6.
Follow these steps to fulfill the new requirements.