AM 7.3.1

OATH Registration node

Lets the user register a device for OATH-based multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Based on the node settings, the user device displays a QR code that includes all the details required for registration. If registration is successful, the node stores the device data, and recovery codes (if enabled), and sets the skippable attribute to prevent repeat registration at next login.

The node requires the credentials of the user; for example, by using a sequence of the following nodes earlier in the authentication journey:

Connect the OATH Registration node’s Success outcome path to the OATH Token Verifier node to continue with OTP verification.

You can use the OATH nodes in conjunction with the ForgeRock Authenticator application to register your phone, receive notifications, or generate one-time passwords.

Refer to the OATH Token Verifier node example that demonstrates how use to use other MFA nodes to create a complete OATH authentication journey.


  • Success

  • Failure

If registration is successful and the device details are stored, evaluation continues along the Success outcome path.

If AM encounters an issue during the registration process or the user fails to complete registration, evaluation proceeds along the Failure path.


Property Usage


Specify an identifier to appear on the user’s device, such as a company name, a website, or an AM realm.

The authenticator application displays the value.

Account Name

Define the profile attribute to display as the username in the authenticator application.

If not specified, or if the specified profile attribute is empty, their username is used.

Background Color

The background color in hex notation that displays behind the issuer’s logo within the authenticator application.

Logo Image URL

The location of an image to download and display as the issuer’s logo within the authenticator application.

The ForgeRock Authenticator supports logos in JPEG and PNG format only. The application resizes your logo automatically but a maximum image size of one MByte (or 1024 X 1024 pixels) is recommended.

Generate Recovery Codes

If enabled, recovery codes are generated and stored in the successful outcome’s transient state.

Use the Recovery Code Display node to display the codes to the user for safekeeping.

One Time Password Length

The length of the generated OTP in digits.

This value must be at least 6, and compatible with the hardware/software OTP generators you expect end users to use. For example, Google and ForgeRock authenticators support values of 6 and 8 respectively.

Minimum Secret Key Length

Number of hexadecimal characters allowed for the Secret Key.

OATH Algorithm

Specify the algorithm your device uses to generate the OTP:


HOTP uses a counter value that is incremented every time a new OTP is generated.

TOTP (default)

TOTP generates a new OTP every few seconds as specified by the TOTP Time Step Interval value.

If this is set to HOTP, set the same value in the OATH Token Verifier node.

TOTP Time Step Interval

The length of time that an OTP is valid in seconds.

For example, if the time step interval is 30 seconds, a new OTP is generated every 30 seconds and is valid for 30 seconds only.

The default value is 30.

TOTP Hash Algorithm

The HMAC hash algorithm used to generate the OTP codes. AM supports SHA1, SHA256, and SHA512.

HOTP Checksum Digit

This adds a digit to the end of the OTP generated to be used as a checksum to verify the OTP was generated correctly. This is in addition to the actual password length. Only set this if the user devices support it.

HOTP Truncation Offset

This is an option used by the HOTP algorithm that not all devices support. Leave the default value of -1 unless you know user devices use an offset.

QR code message

The message with instructions to scan the QR code to register the device.

Click Add. Enter the message locale in the Key field; for example, en-gb. Enter the message to display to the user in the Value field.

Store device data in shared state

If enabled, the device is not stored directly in the user profile upon successful completion of the node. Instead, the device information is added into the shared node state on the oathDeviceData key. Use the OATH Device Storage node to store the device information in the user profile.