PingOne DaVinci

Editing a flow policy

Edit existing flow policies to update which flows and flow versions are displayed for users.


  1. Click the Applications tab.

  2. Find the application and click Edit.

  3. Click the Flow Policy tab.

  4. Locate the flow policy and, in the More options ( ) list, select Edit.

  5. Optional: In the Name field, update the name of the flow policy.

  6. Optional: Update the flows and flow versions included in the flow policy:

    1. Add a flow by selecting it in the Flows section, then selecting one or more versions in the Version section.

    2. Update the included versions for a flow by selecting it in the Flows section, then adding or removing versions in the Version section.

    3. Remove a flow by clicking the X icon in the Flows Added section.

  7. Click Update Flow Policy.


    The Edit Your Weight Distribution modal opens.

  8. Optional: Update the weight distribution and analytics information for each flow and flow version:

    1. In the Distribution field for each flow version, enter or select a distribution weight from 1 to 100.

    2. Optional: Click Add IP Whitelist.

    3. Optional: In the Whitelist IP field, enter one or more IP addresses.

      If a request comes from a whitelisted IP address, the weight is ignored, and the specified flow is triggered.

    4. Optional: In the Analytics - Select Success Nodes list, select one or more nodes that, when run, indicate that the flow run was successful.

    This information is used to calculate the flow policy’s success rate.

  9. Click Save Flow Policy.

  10. Click Apply.