PingOne DaVinci


Variables let you track and adjust values from within your flows.

Variables are values that can be read and modified during a flow. They can be strings, Boolean values, numbers, or objects.

You can use variables in a flow to track information, and you can use a variable’s value to determine which nodes are run within the flow.

Every variable has a context, which determines how widely its value is shared:

Company Context

The variable has a single value for the company. This value is used in all flows and for all users.

Company context variables can be created as Secret variables, which are designed to store sensitive values such as API keys, client secrets, and access tokens. The current value for secret variables cannot be seen in the UI, logs, analytics, exported flows, or API queries.

Secret variables can only be used in the HTTP connector’s Make REST API Call capability in the Headers and Body parameters.

Flow Context

The variable is tied to a specific flow and has a single, persistent value until that value is changed. The current value can be viewed in the Variables tab.

To change variable values, you can run the containing flow or update the variable on the Variables tab. The variable’s new value is set to the value of the latest update using either method.

Flow Instance Context

The variable can be used in multiple flows.

  • If the variable’s value is set within a flow, the variable instance in that flow gets the value set by the flow’s execution.

  • If the variable’s value is not set within a flow, the variable instance in that flow inherits the value set on the Variables tab.

User Context

The variable has a separate value for each user. If you use a variable with this context in a flow, the user must be identified.