PingOne DaVinci

Adding a variable

Add a new variable that can be used in flows.


  1. Click the Variables tab.

  2. Click Add New Variable.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the variable.

    The name challenge is reserved and cannot be used.

  4. In the Variable Context list, select a context in which the variable is shared:

    Choose from:

    • Flow Instance Context: The variable has one value for each instance of each flow.

    • User Context: The variable has one value for each user. The user must be identified.

    • Company Context: The variable has one value for the company, across all flows and users. All secret variables use this context.

      A variable with a flow context can only be created within a flow by using the Variables connector. After you create a flow context variable, you can edit its value in the Variables tab.

  5. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for the variable.

  6. In the Data Type list, select a data type:

    Choose from:

    • String

    • Boolean

    • Number

    • Object

    • Secret: This data type indicates that the variable value is sensitive and should not be visible in the UI, analytics, logs, or API queries. It is only available for company context variables. Secret variables are for custom API calls, so they can only be used in the Headers and Body parameters of the Make REST API Call capability (HTTP connector). They are not available anywhere else in DaVinci.

  7. In the Value field, enter an initial value for the variable.

  8. Optional: Click the Mutable toggle to allow nodes within a flow to change the value of the variable.

    You can trace the expected value of a variable through the nodes of your flow to help you decide whether the variable should be mutable or not.

  9. Optional: In the Min field, enter a minimum value for the variable.

  10. Optional: In the Max field, enter a maximum value for the variable.

  11. Click Create.