PingOne DaVinci

Release Notes

New features and improvements in PingOne DaVinci. Updated September 26, 2024.

September 2024

September 26

The Token Management connector has been updated


For details, see the Token Management connector release notes. For more information, see the Token Management connector release notes.

August 2024

August 27

Added search options for flow analytics

Improved DV-5272

The Flow Analytics feature now includes options to search for specific flows by user ID, user name, and correlation ID. The new search parameters can find information from the following connectors:

  • Token Management

  • PingOne SSO

  • PingOne Authentication

  • PingOne MFA

  • User Policy

  • OIDC & OAuth IdP

  • PingOne Verify

Learn more in Viewing flow analytics.

July 2024

July 31

Use new "Secret" variables for sensitive data in your Make REST API Call nodes

New DV-5389

Variables are a great way to centrally manage values used in your nodes, including in the HTTP connector’s Make REST API Call capability. To help protect sensitive values such as API keys, client secrets, and tokens you use in these nodes, we’ve added a new Secret variable type. For more information, see Variables.

July 23

Audit logs now note addition of custom JavaScript

Improved DV-12469

When custom JavaScript is added to a flow or connector, an audit event is now logged. This enhances security and compliance by providing a clear view of all custom script use, ensuring that modifications can be tracked and audited. See Audit Trail for more information.

July 22

Added global debug logging control

New DV-9426

You can now enable or disable debug level logging for an entire environment. See Company Settings for more information.

Export your flows without variable values

New DV-12440

Download Flow JSON

It’s important to keep your data safe, so we’ve added a new Download Flow JSON view that gives you the option to exclude variable values when you export a flow. This lets you share flows and get support knowing that proprietary and sensitive variable values never leave your environment. For more information, see Exporting a flow.

July 15

Discover connectors with the refreshed "Add Connector" view


A screen capture showing the Core Connectors, Ping Identity Connectors, and Service Connectors sections of the add connector experience.

When adding a new connector from the Connectors view, connectors are now sorted alphabetically and presented in three groups:

  • Core Connectors (Basic flow components and standards-based integrations)

  • Ping Identity Connectors (Ping Identity products)

  • Service Connectors (Third-party platforms and services)

These categories make it easier to find the right type of connector more quickly and eliminates the guesswork required with the previous category system.

This view has also received a visual refresh to give you a more consistent experience with other parts of DaVinci and PingOne.

If there are multiple connectors from the same vendor, they appear in a group under the vendor name. For example, the Amazon DynamoDB and AWS Lambda connectors appear together in the "Amazon" group.

June 2024

June 21

New API connectors add 1300+ nodes to DaVinci


Our latest DaVinci API connectors offer hundreds of integration points with key third-party services.

API connectors provide a complete collection of API calls supported by the third-party service. This streamlines integration between your flow and the service by allowing you to configure the API calls in the DaVinci user interface and populate them with variables from your flow. Each API call is represented by a capability in the connector.

API connectors are powerful, but be aware that the connector is generated directly from the service provider’s API and the feature set is not managed by Ping Identity. For help configuring the connector capabilities, refer to the service provider’s API documentation.

To learn what each connector can do and to find links to service provider documentation, see the Integration Directory:

May 2024

May 22

Added social login option to PingOne forms

New DV-6472

PingOne forms now include the capability to add buttons for social login. Learn more in Adding social login with PingOne.

The PingOne Forms connector has been updated


April 2024

April 22

Improved transaction ID handling for consistent logs

Improved DV-9230

Enhanced traceability of DaVinci flow executions by adding transaction IDs, which are unique identifiers generated when a flow begins and included in all logging, analytics, and webhook content. This ID improves debugging and operational monitoring. DaVinci also now carries external transaction IDs and session IDs that are passed in when the flow launches and includes them in logging, analytics, and webhook content.

April 17

Fixed href support in PingOne footers

Fixed P14C-59774

Fixed an issue that prevented hrefs added to the footers in PingOne login screens from working.

April 15

The PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud Access Request connector has been released


For details, see the PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud Access Request connector documentation.

The PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud Login connector has been released


For details, see the PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud Login connector documentation.

The String connector has been updated


For details, see the String connector release notes.

April 3

The PingOne connector has been updated


For details, see the PingOne connector release notes.

April 2

The PingOne Forms connector has been updated


March 2024

March 28

The new LexisNexis connector is now available


For details, see the LexisNexis connector release notes.

Updated SIEM streaming access


Placed some SIEM streaming events in limited release. See Configuring SIEM Streaming for more information.

March 12

Improved capability display and discovery in flows

Improved DV-8579

When editing a connector on the DaVinci canvas, you can now search the capability list. This lets you find a specific capability more quickly or discover capabilities that matter to you. You can search with multiple words in any order.

An image showing the capability search function being used. The search query entered is 'user update' and the capability displayed is 'update a user'.

The capability entries display a maximum of three lines of description, with the full description visible by selecting the capability and clicking the Settings tab, so that the list of capabilities is informative and easy to navigate.

February 2024

February 28

The PingOne Authentication connector has been updated


February 21

Added Custom Analytics to PingOne webhooks

New DV-6981

The PingOne Webhook UI now includes an option for Custom Analytics events, which you can use to receive custom analytics events from DaVinci. See Configuring SIEM Streaming for more information.

February 16

The PingOne Connector has been updated


For details, see the PingOne connector release notes.

February 9

Fixed subflow import issue

Fixed DV-10022

Fixed an issue that caused flow conductor nodes to break when a flow was imported.

February 8


February 6

The PingOne Authentication connector has been updated


January 2024

January 30

Fixed audit trail display for PingOne team members

Fixed DV-9870

Fixed an issue that prevented a PingOne team member’s ID, first name, and last name from being displayed in audit trails.

December 2023

December 1

Improved PingOne Forms load times

Improved DV-8841

Improved the loading times for PingOne Form nodes.

November 2023

November 30

The Flow Conductor connector has been updated


November 29

The IDmelon TAP connector has been released


For details, see the connector documentation.

November 13

Reduced flow configuration time by enabling advanced routing on all flows


All existing and new flows now use the advanced routing algorithm to provide better Teleport node support with looping flows. With this change, advanced routing is enabled by default.

We removed the Use Advanced Routing Algorithm toggle switch in the Flow Settings panel.

October 2023

October 30

Improved analytics display of subflow relationships

Improved DV-8430

We updated the analytics view for flows to include any subflows that are invoked during the flow.

October 11

Fixed an issue where Teleport nodes weren’t properly displaying in Flow Analytics mode

Fixed DV-1307

We fixed an issue where, when you clicked Analytics on the flow canvas and loaded a flow execution in the Flow Analytics panel, any Teleport nodes that were processed as a part of the flow execution didn’t display in the flow canvas with the correct background color or statistical information. They displayed as if they weren’t processed during the flow execution, even though they did have Flow Analytics log entries.

Fixed an issue where flows with misconfigured calls to subflows didn’t log errors

Fixed DV-1740

Previously, when flows used Flow Conductor nodes to call subflows that didn’t match the Flow Conductor configuration, DaVinci didn’t log error messages in the Audit Trail.

Now, if there’s a mismatch between the type of the Flow Conductor capability (Invoke Subflow or Invoke UI Subflow) and the type of subflow (API-based or UI-based), we log clear error messages for debugging.

We also display an error message at runtime when a flow uses the Invoke UI Subflow capability to call an API-based subflow.

The PingOne Forms connector has been updated


October 5

Fixed an issue where flows using Teleport nodes with multiple input paths behaved unexpectedly

Fixed DV-7937

We fixed an issue where the flow execution either stalled or caused a loop when Teleport nodes using the Go to Start Node capability had multiple input paths.