PingOne DaVinci

Editing flow settings

Configure the settings that apply to the flow as a whole.


  1. Click the Flows tab.

  2. Find the flow and click ... → Edit.

  3. Click More options ( ) → Flow Settings to show the flow settings.

  4. Optional: Click the General tab to configure general settings for the flow.

    Option Description

    PingOne Flow

    Indicates that the flow is a PingOne flow, enabling it to be included in PingOne flow policies and launched directly from PingOne.

    Require Authentication to Initiate Flow

    Require authentication as part of the flow initiation.

    Flow Timeout (in seconds)

    A timeout value for the entire flow, beginning when the flow is invoked. The default value is 300 (5 minutes) and the maximum value is 172800 (2 days).

    Flow HTTP Response Timeout (in seconds)

    A timeout value for any HTTP call made by any node in the flow. The default value is 15 and the maximum value is 120.

    Enable Content Security Policy

    Restricts the domains from which content can be loaded.

    CSP Value

    If you selected Enable Content Security Policy, enter your content security policy in text form.

  5. Optional: Click the Logging tab to configure logging levels and sensitive data protections for the flow.

    Option Description

    Log Level

    The logging level for the flow.

    The options are None, which prevents logging; Info, which logs info-level and more severe events; and Debug, which logs debug-level and more severe events.

    Scrub Sensitive Information

    Remove fields designated as sensitive from analytics.

    Sensitive Information Fields

    If you selected Scrub Sensitive Information, enter one or more fields to designate as sensitive.

    Do not substitute unreplaced parameterized fields with empty string

    Refrain from replacing scrubbed fields with an empty string.

    This feature is currently in limited release. To request access to this feature, open a support case.
  6. Optional: Click the Customizations tab to configure UI customizations for the flow.

    Option Description

    Customize HTML Page Title

    An HTML page title to use in place of the default title.

    Favicon Link

    A link to a favicon for the flow.

    Show Default Logo On Error Screen

    Show a Ping Identity logo on error screens.

    Custom Error Brand Logo URL

    The URL for a brand logo to use on error screens if Show Default Logo On Error Screen is not selected.

    Show Footer On Error Screen

    Show the DaVinci footer on error screens.

    Use Custom CSS

    Apply custom CSS to the user-visible nodes in the flow.

    Custom CSS

    If you selected Use Custom CSS, enter the CSS code to apply.

    Link to CSS files

    If you selected Use Custom CSS, enter one or more links to the CSS code to apply.

    Use Custom Script

    Apply a custom JavaScript to the user-visible nodes in the flow.

    Link to JavaScript files

    If you selected Use Custom Script, enter one or more links to JavaScript files to apply to the user-visible nodes.

    Use Custom Flow Player

    Use a custom JavaScript flow or journey player.

    This feature is currently in limited release. To request access to this feature, open a support case.

    Custom JS Flow Player

    If you selected Use Custom Flow Player, enter a link to a JavaScript flow or journey player to apply to the user-visible nodes.

    Use Intermediate Loading Screen

    Display an intermediate screen between nodes in the flow.

    Intermediate Loading Screen View

    Enter HTML for the loading screen.

    Intermediate Loading Screen View CSS

    Enter CSS for the loading screen.

  7. Click Save.