PingAuthorize Server allows you to configure the log rotation policy for the server.
When any rotation limit is reached, the server rotates the current log and starts a new log.
If you create a new log publisher, you must configure at least one log rotation policy.
You can select the following properties:
- Time Limit Rotation Policy
- Rotates the log based on the length of time since the last rotation. Default implementations are provided for rotation every 24 hours and every 7 days.
- Fixed Time Rotation Policy
- Rotates the logs every day at a specified time (based on 24-hour time). The default time is 2359.
- Size Limit Rotation Policy
- Rotates the logs when the file reaches the maximum size for each log. The default size limit is 100 MB.
- Never Rotate Policy
- Used in a rare event that does not require log rotation.