Properties reference
This reference describes agent configuration properties.
When you create an agent profile, you choose whether to store the agent configuration in AM’s configuration store or locally to the agent installation. The local configuration file syntax is the same as that of a standard Java properties file.
Property files
The agent stores agent bootstrap and configuration properties in the file agent.conf
For IIS Web Agent, the file is located by default at
List of bootstrap properties
Property | Description | Function |
Encryption |
Debug |
Debug |
Agent profile |
Agent profile |
Agent profile |
Agent profile |
Miscellaneous |
Encryption |
Miscellaneous |
Encryption |
Connection pooling |
Fragment redirect |
Cookies |
Profile |
Encryption |
General |
Profile |
Audit |
Logs |
Logs |
Profile |
Logs |
Not-enforced |
Encryption |
Policy client service |
Policy client service |
POST data preservation |
Encryption |
Encryption |
Forward proxy |
Forward proxy |
Forward proxy |
Forward proxy |
Encryption |
Microsoft IIS server |
Miscellaneous |
Encryption |
Encryption |
Miscellaneous |
Profile |
- |
Profile |
List of all properties
Property | Description (UI name) | Function |
Encryption |
Cookies |
Profile |
Headers |
Miscellaneous |
Debug |
Debug |
Profile |
Logout redirect |
Profile |
Agent profile |
Agent profile |
Agent profile |
Agent profile |
Profile |
Login redirect |
Miscellaneous |
Login redirect |
Logout redirect |
Client identification |
Attribute processing |
Audit |
Audit |
Audit |
Login redirect |
Encryption |
Cross-domain single sign-on |
Client identification |
Client identification |
Not-enforced |
Not-enforced |
Advice handling |
Advice handling |
Profile |
Miscellaneous |
Continuous Security |
Continuous Security |
Cross-domain single sign-on |
Cookies |
Cookies |
Custom |
Profile |
Encryption |
Logout redirect |
Load balancing |
Load balancing |
Connection pooling |
Cookies |
Cookies |
Login redirect |
FQDN check |
Fragment redirect |
Cookies |
Logout redirect |
Cookies |
Profile |
Profile |
Encryption |
Load balancing |
Load balancing |
Load balancing |
POST data preservation |
Logout redirect |
Not-enforced |
Policy client service |
Cross-domain single sign-on |
General |
Debug |
URL handling |
Cookies |
URL handling |
Not-enforced |
Policy client service |
FQDN check |
FQDN check |
Goto parameter |
Profile |
Profile |
JSON-formatted response |
General |
JSON-formatted response |
Not-enforced |
Ignore path info |
URL handling |
Not-enforced |
JSON-formatted response |
Profile |
JSON-formatted response |
Audit |
Logs |
Logs |
Profile |
Microsoft IIS server |
Logout redirect |
Logout redirect |
Logs |
Headers |
Not-enforced |
Not-enforced |
Not-enforced |
Not-enforced |
Encryption |
Profile |
Cookies |
Policy client service |
Policy client service |
Policy client service |
Policy client service |
POST data preservation |
Load balancing |
Load balancing |
POST data preservation |
Encryption |
Encryption |
Cookies |
Attribute processing |
Attribute processing |
Cookies |
Forward proxy |
Forward proxy |
Forward proxy |
Forward proxy |
Login URL |
Encryption |
Login redirect |
Login redirect |
Not-enforced |
Microsoft IIS server |
Microsoft IIS server |
Logout redirect |
General |
General |
Attribute processing |
Attribute processing |
Profile |
Cookies |
Miscellaneous |
Encryption |
Attribute processing |
Attribute processing |
Microsoft IIS server |
Policy client service |
POST data preservation |
Encryption |
Miscellaneous |
Audit |
Audit |
POST data preservation |
Miscellaneous |
Profile |
Policy client service |
Policy client service |
Profile |