SIEM streaming payload structure
SIEM streaming events use the payload structure and properties described here.
Event Types
These event types generate a payload.
- Custom Analytics
This event is sent by a Flow Analytics connector node within a flow. This node can be configured to send information about the flow outcome.
- Start Interaction
This event is sent when a flow execution starts. It can be used to count the number of flow invocations during a particular time period.
- Receive Request
This event is sent when a connector receives an event. It contains information about the capability to be used and its required inputs.
This event type is currently in limited release. To request access to this event type, open a support case.
- Send Response
This event is sent after a connector has successfully executed a capability. It contains output information from the capability that successfully ran.
This event type is currently in limited release. To request access to this event type, open a support case.
- Send Error Response
This event is sent after a connector has failed to execute a capability. It contains information about the error.
Payload Structure
All events use this payload structure.
"id" : "payload ID",
"recordedAt" : "timestamp",
"correlationId" : "correlation ID",
"action" : {
"type" : "DAVINCI_INTERACTION.interaction_type",
"description" : "description"
"resources" : flow ID",
"name" : "flow name",
"environment" : {
"id" : "company ID"
} ],
"result" : {
"status" : "status"
"_embedded" : {
"flowInteractionEvent" : {
// Actual Davinci Event Payload
Property | Description |
A unique identifier for the event payload. |
The UTC timestamp when the event was recorded. |
A correlation ID for the event. |
The type of event. Valid values are |
A description of the event type. |
Property | Description |
The flow ID. |
The type of interaction. All events currently have a type of |
The flow name. |
The company ID. |
Property | Description |
The result status. Valid values are |
A description of the response. This property is only present for |
Property | Description | ||
The event type. Valid values are |
The company ID. |
A unique identifier for the flow execution. |
The flow version ID. If the version ID is not available, the value is |
The service that generated the event. |
The UTC timestamp when the event completed in DaVinci. |
The ID of the flow. |
The name of the flow. |
The node ID. This parameter is not sent for
The node ID. This parameter is not sent for |
The name of the capability used by the node. This parameter is not sent for |
A boolean value that indicates whether the capability succeeded or failed. This parameter is not sent for |
The ID of the connector. This parameter is not sent for |
The title of the node. This parameter is not sent for |
The description value for the node. This parameter is not sent for |
The outcome type sent by the flow analytics connector (for example, login or enrollment). This parameter is only sent for custom analytics events. |
The outcome status sent by the flow analytics connector (for example, success, error, denied, fraud, or approved). This parameter is only sent for custom analytics events. |
The ID of the flow analytics connector used to send the event. This parameter is only sent for custom analytics events. |
Property | Description |
The company ID of the parent flow. |
The ID of the flow. |
The flow version ID. If the version ID is not available, the value is |
The node ID in the parent flow that triggered the current flow. |
The ID of the flow conductor connector used to launch the subflow. |
The name of the connector that launched the subflow. |
The name of the capability used to launch the subflow. Valid values are |
Indicates whether the subflow node was successful |
Indicates whether the node presented a UI component to the user. |
The interaction ID for the parent flow. |
Custom Analytics Example
"id" : "c452dcdf-a535-43f6-8cc3-a09ccb440e91",
"recordedAt" : "2024-02-15T16:07:03.995Z",
"correlationId" : "002ec717-c5a6-44ca-9d6f-ec9a86282fe7",
"action" : {
"description" : "Davinci Interaction Custom Analytics"
"resources" : [ {
"id" : "79f303c7-f2cf-ae6c-5ce2-21dc013c80c5",
"name" : "PingOne Sign On Augmented with Custom Analytics",
"environment" : {
"id" : "9f835dca-fa37-489b-b835-6587ef71e5d8"
} ],
"result" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS"
"_embedded" : {
"flowInteractionEvent" : {
"eventMessage" : "Custom Analytics",
"interactionId" : "002ec717-c5a6-44ca-9d6f-ec9a86282fe7",
"flowVersionId" : 4,
"connectorId" : "analyticsConnector",
"originalCapabilityName" : "logOutcome",
"flowName" : "PingOne Sign On Augmented with Custom Analytics",
"outcomeType" : "enrollment",
"usageTransactionType" : "COUNTED",
"companyId" : "9f835dca-fa37-489b-b835-6587ef71e5d8",
"identity" : "analyticsConnector",
"success" : true,
"outcomeStatus" : "success",
"packetProtocol" : "action",
"connectionId" : "b50fb6e57556c2b3535d152758902e90",
"nodeId" : "ezmu5wo88g",
"tsEms" : "2024-02-15T16:07:03.947Z",
"flowId" : "79f303c7f2cfae6c5ce221dc013c80c5"
Start Interaction Example
"id" : "c84142a4-3b71-422c-aa77-9296e88d2881",
"recordedAt" : "2023-03-22T04:28:55.395Z",
"action" : {
"resources" : [ {
"id" : "8f43a71f-85b5-2501-09e7-cf4b705b1446",
"name" : "8f43a71f85b5250109e7cf4b705b1446",
"environment" : {
"id" : "b5bbc401-7a1f-4738-b589-b3ea05bc46e4"
} ],
"result" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS"
"_embedded" : {
"flowInteractionEvent" : {
"eventMessage" : "Start Interaction",
"companyId" : "b5bbc401-7a1f-4738-b589-b3ea05bc46e4",
"interactionId" : "00467d91-1bb0-4ff7-ac70-307f49c3dcd2",
"tsInteractionId" : "1679459335395 + 00467d91-1bb0-4ff7-ac70-307f49c3dcd2",
"flowVersionId" : -1,
"capabilityName" : "add",
"identity" : "api",
"tsEms" : "2023-03-22T04:28:55.395Z",
"flowId" : "8f43a71f85b5250109e7cf4b705b1446",
"packetTimestamp" : 1679459335395
Receive Request Example
"id" : "2f8748d2-5c6b-4323-ba22-3276a5d54b86",
"recordedAt" : "2023-03-22T04:28:55.456Z",
"action" : {
"resources" : [ {
"id" : "8f43a71f-85b5-2501-09e7-cf4b705b1446",
"name" : "8f43a71f85b5250109e7cf4b705b1446",
"environment" : {
"id" : "b5bbc401-7a1f-4738-b589-b3ea05bc46e4"
} ],
"result" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS"
"_embedded" : {
"flowInteractionEvent" : {
"eventMessage" : "Receive Request",
"packetTo" : "httpConnector",
"interactionId" : "00467d91-1bb0-4ff7-ac70-307f49c3dcd2",
"flowVersionId" : 21,
"capabilityName" : "add",
"connectorId" : "httpConnector",
"originalCapabilityName" : "customHtmlMessage",
"companyId" : "b5bbc401-7a1f-4738-b589-b3ea05bc46e4",
"tsInteractionId" : "1679459335456 + 00467d91-1bb0-4ff7-ac70-307f49c3dcd2",
"identity" : "httpConnector",
"packetProtocol" : "action",
"connectionId" : "867ed4363b2bc21c860085ad2baa817d",
"id" : "nzeo7no4po",
"tsEms" : "2023-03-22T04:28:55.456Z",
"flowId" : "8f43a71f85b5250109e7cf4b705b1446",
"packetTimestamp" : 1679459335456
Send Response Example
"id" : "971b5fd8-1b59-4e77-8836-00ab9941ff67",
"recordedAt" : "2023-03-22T04:28:55.512Z",
"action" : {
"resources" : [ {
"id" : "8f43a71f-85b5-2501-09e7-cf4b705b1446",
"name" : "8f43a71f85b5250109e7cf4b705b1446",
"environment" : {
"id" : "b5bbc401-7a1f-4738-b589-b3ea05bc46e4"
} ],
"result" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS",
"description" : "Send Response successful for flowId: 8f43a71f85b5250109e7cf4b705b1446, connector: httpConnector and capability: customHtmlMessage"
"_embedded" : {
"flowInteractionEvent" : {
"eventMessage" : "Send Response",
"packetTo" : "httpConnector",
"interactionId" : "00467d91-1bb0-4ff7-ac70-307f49c3dcd2",
"flowVersionId" : 21,
"capabilityName" : "add",
"connectorId" : "httpConnector",
"originalCapabilityName" : "customHtmlMessage",
"companyId" : "b5bbc401-7a1f-4738-b589-b3ea05bc46e4",
"tsInteractionId" : "1679459335512 + 00467d91-1bb0-4ff7-ac70-307f49c3dcd2",
"identity" : "httpConnector",
"success" : true,
"packetProtocol" : "action",
"connectionId" : "867ed4363b2bc21c860085ad2baa817d",
"id" : "nzeo7no4po",
"tsEms" : "2023-03-22T04:28:55.512Z",
"flowId" : "8f43a71f85b5250109e7cf4b705b1446",
"packetTimestamp" : 1679459335512
Send Error Response Example
"id" : "ccb8d1ec-61ed-4big-a0c4-a190ca677ad1",
"recordedAt" : "2023-03-22T09:18:45.448Z",
"action" : {
"resources" : [ {
"id" : "8f43a71f-85b5-2501-09e7-cf4b705b1446",
"name" : "8f43a71f85b5250109e7cf4b705b1446",
"environment" : {
"id" : "b5bbc401-7a1f-4738-b589-b3ea05bc46e4"
} ],
"result" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS"
"_embedded" : {
"flowInteractionEvent" : {
"eventMessage" : "Send Error Response",
"packetTo" : "httpConnector",
"interactionId" : "00152de6-e4db-4bbb-9bc7-1d09dc50492c",
"flowVersionId" : 24,
"capabilityName" : "add",
"connectorId" : "httpConnector",
"originalCapabilityName" : "makeRestApiCall",
"companyId" : "b5bbc401-7a1f-4738-b589-b3ea05bc46e4",
"tsInteractionId" : "1679476725448 + 00152de6-e4db-4bbb-9bc7-1d09dc50492c",
"identity" : "httpConnector",
"packetProtocol" : "action",
"connectionId" : "867ed4363b2bc21c860085ad2baa817d",
"id" : "yg52xyeh81",
"tsEms" : "2023-03-22T09:18:45.448Z",
"flowId" : "8f43a71f85b5250109e7cf4b705b1446",
"packetTimestamp" : 1679476725448