
Site field descriptions

The following table describes the fields available for managing applications on the Sites page.

Field Required Description



Enter a unique Site Name, up to 64 characters, including special characters and spaces.



Specify one or more Targets. The format for a target is hostname:port. For example,



Select Secure if the site is expecting HTTPS connections.

If the site is configured for Secure connections, select a Trusted Certificate Group from the list, or select Trust Any to trust any certificate presented by the listed targets.

Site Authenticators


If the site requires the use of site authenticators, select one or more authenticators from the list.

  • Click Createto create a site authenticator.

  • Click x to remove a site authenticator.

Use Target Host Header


Select this check box to have PingAccess modify the Host header for the site’s target host and target port rather than the virtual host configured in the application.

If you clear this check box, PingAccess makes no changes to the Host header. This configuration is often required by target web servers to ensure that they service the HTTP request with the correct internal virtual server definition.

To configure advanced settings, expand the Show Advanced Settings section at the bottom of the Site tab.

Most of these settings are optional.

Advanced Settings
Field Required Description

Skip Hostname Verification


Select this check box if the site shouldn’t perform host name verification of the certificate.

Expected Certificate Hostname


If you are not skipping host name verification, enter the name of the host expected in the certificate in the Expected Certificate Hostname field.

This field is available only if the Skip Hostname Verification check box is cleared. If left blank, the certificates are verified using the target host names.

Availability Profile


To create a new availability profile, click Create Availability Profile.

Load Balancing Strategy


If the site contains more than one target, select a load balancing strategy.

To create a new load balancing strategy, click Create Load Balancing Strategy.

If you specify multiple target servers for a site but don’t apply a load balancing strategy, PingAccess uses the first target server in the list until it fails. Secondary target servers are only used if the first target server is not available.

PingAccess uses the Failed Retry Timeout from the site’s availability profile settings to determine when to mark the first target server as available again.

Send Token


If your site uses the identity information in the PingAccess token or OAuth access token, leave this check box selected to include the token in the request to the backend site.

If you do not need the token information, you can clear the check box to remove the PingAccess token from the request. This excludes unnecessary information and decreases the payload size, which might improve performance.

Maximum Connections


Enter the maximum number of HTTP persistent connections that you want PingAccess to have open and maintain for the site. The default value, -1, indicates unlimited connections.

Maximum Websocket Connections


If the number of WebSocket connections needs to be limited, enter a value. The default value, -1, indicates no limit.

Use Proxy


Select Use Proxy if requests to the site should use a configured proxy.

If the node isn’t configured with a proxy, requests are made directly to the site.

If your proxy uses availability handling to retry multiple targets in the event of a network problem, you should configure PingAccess to use only one target for the site. Unexpected behavior can occur if PingAccess and the proxy are both configured to perform availability handling.

Keep Alive Timeout


The time, in milliseconds, that a pooled connection to the site can be idle before PingAccess closes the connection and removes it from the pool. The default value, 0, indicates no timeout.