
Using dsconfig batch mode

Configure the server in dsconfig batch mode.

About this task

The PingDirectory server provides a dsconfig batching mechanism that reads multiple dsconfig invocations from a file and executes them sequentially.

The batch file provides advantages over standard scripting by minimizing LDAP connections and Java virtual machine (JVM) invocations that normally occur with each dsconfig call. Batch mode is the best method to use with setup scripts when moving from a development environment to test environment or from a test environment to a production environment. The --no-prompt option is required with dsconfig in batch mode.

If a dsconfig command has a missing or incorrect argument, the command fails and aborts the batch process without applying any changes to the server. The dsconfig command supports a --batch-continue-on-error option that instructs dsconfig to apply all changes and skip any errors.

You can view the logs/config-audit.log file to review the configuration changes made to the server and use them in the batch file. The batch file can have blank lines for spacing and lines starting with a pound sign (#) for comments. The batch file also supports a \ line continuation character for long commands that require multiple lines.

The server also provides a docs/sun-ds-compatibility.dsconfig file for migrations from Oracle to PingDirectory server machines.


  1. Create a text file that lists each dsconfig command with the complete set of properties that you want to apply to the server.

    The items in this file should be in the same format as those accepted by the dsconfig command.

    The batch file can have blank lines for spacing and lines starting with a pound sign (#) for comments.

    The batch file also supports a "\" line continuation character for long commands that require multiple lines.


    # This  dsconfig  operation creates the exAccountNumber global attribute index.
    dsconfig create-global-attribute-index
    --processor-name ou_people_dc_example_dc_com-eb-req-processor
    --index-name exAccountNumber --set prime-index:true
    # Here we create the entry-count placement algorithm with the
    # default behavior of adding entries to the smallest backend
    # dataset first.
    dsconfig create-placement-algorithm
    --processor-name ou_people_dc_example_dc_com-eb-req-processor
    --algorithm-name example_com_entry_count
    --type entry-counter
    --set enabled:true
    --set "poll-interval:1 m"
    # Note that once the entry-count placement algorithm is created
    # and enabled, we can delete the round-robin algorithm.
    # Since an entry-balancing proxy must always have a placement
    # algorithm, we add a second algorithm and then delete the
    # original round-robin algorithm created during the setup
    # procedure.
    dsconfig delete-placement-algorithm
    --processor-name ou_people_dc_example_dc_com-eb-req-processor
    --algorithm-name round-robin
  2. To read and execute the commands, run dsconfig with the --batch-file option.