
Synchronize a specific list of DNs

About this task

The resync command enables synchronizing a specific set of DNs that are read from a file using the --sourceInputFile option. This option is useful for large datasets that require faster processing by targeting individual base-level searches for each source DN in the file. If any DN fails (parsing, search, or process errors), the command creates an output file of the skipped entries (resync-failed-DNs.log), which can be run again.

The file must contain only a list of DNs in LDIF format with dn: or dn::. The file can include comment lines. All DNs can be wrapped and are assumed to be wrapped on any lines that begin with a space followed by text. Empty lines are ignored.

Small files can be created manually. For large files, use the ldapsearch command to create an LDIF file, as follows:


  1. Run an ldapsearch command using the special OID "1.1" extension, which only returns the DNs in the DIT. For example, on the Sync Source directory server, run the following command:

    $ bin/ldapsearch --port 1389 \
      --bindDN "uid=admin,dc=example,dc=com \
      --baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
      --searchScope sub "(objectclass=*)" "1.1" > dn.ldif
  2. Run the resync command with the file.

    $ bin/resync --pipe-name "sun-to-ds-pipe" \
      --sourceInputFile dn.ldif
    Starting pass 1
    [20/Mar/2016:10:32:11 -0500]
    Resync pass 1
    Source entries retrieved 1999
    Entries created 981
    Current pass, entries processed 981
    Duration (seconds) 10
    Average ops/second 98
    Status after completing all passes[20/Mar/2016:10:32:18 -0500]
    Source entries retrieved 2003
    Entries created 2003
    Duration (seconds) 16
    Average ops/second 98
    Resync completed in 16 s.
    0 entries were in-sync, 0 entries were modified, 2003 entries were
    created, 0 entries are still out-of-sync, 0 entries are still missing, and
    0 entries could not be processed due to an error
  3. View the logs/tools/resync-failed-DNs.log to determine skipped DNs. Correct the source DNs file, and rerun the resync command.