
Viewing attributes

The Schema Editor displays all of the attribute types on your PingDirectory server instance.

It shows the basic properties that are required elements in addition to the extra properties that are allowed within the attribute definition.

Viewing attribute types using the Schema Editor

Before you begin

Ensure that the PingDirectory server instance is running.

About this task

To view attribute types using the Schema Editor:


  1. Start the administrative console.

  2. In the main menu, select Schema.

  3. In the Schema Editor, click the Attribute Types tab.

  4. Click a specific attribute to view its definition.

    In the Object Class window, view the attribute properties.


    To follow this example, click the account attribute.

    A screen capture of the Object Class attribute window displaying sample data for the Basic Properties of the account attribute.
  5. To see the equivalent attribute definition in ASN.1 format, click the View as LDIF button.

Viewing attribute types over LDAP


  • To view an operational attribute, run ldapsearch.


    This example uses ldapsearch to view the multi-valued operational attribute attributeTypes, which publishes the definitions on the PingDirectory server.

    The attribute is stored in the subschema subentry.

    $ bin/ldapsearch --baseDN cn=schema --searchScope base \
      "(objectclass=*)" attributeTypes

Viewing a specific attribute type over LDAP


  • To search for a specific attribute, run ldapsearch with the --dontWrap option and use the grep command.


    $ bin/ldapsearch --baseDN cn=schema \
      --searchScope base --dontWrap "(objectclass=*)" \
      attributeTypes | grep 'personalTitle'