
Monitor PingDataSync

PingDataSync exposes its monitoring information under the cn=monitor entry. Various tools can be used to surface the server’s information including the administrative console, JConsole, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) command-line tools, or SNMP. The following information is collected for PingDataSync.

PingDataSync monitoring component
Component Description

Active Operations

Provides information about the operations currently being processed by the server including the number of operations, information about the operation, and the number of active persistent searches.


Provides general information about the state of the server backend, including the backend ID, base DN(s), entry counts, entry count for the cn=admin data, writability mode, and whether it is a private backend. The following backend monitors are provided:

  • adminRoot

  • ads-truststore

  • alerts

  • backup

  • config

  • monitor

  • schema

  • tasks

  • userRoot

Berkeley DB JE Environment

Provides information about the state of the Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition database used by the PingDataSync backend.

Client Connections

Provides information about all client connections to the server.

Disk Space Usage

Provides information about the disk space available to various components of the server. The disk space usage monitor evaluates the free space at locations registered through the DiskSpaceConsumer interface. Disk space monitoring excludes disk locations that do not have server components registered. However, other disk locations can still impact server performance, such as the operating system disk, if it becomes full. When relevant to the server, these locations include the server root, the location of the config directory, the location of every log file, all JE backend directories, the location of the changelog, the location of the replication environment database, and the location of any server extension that registers itself with the DiskSpaceConsumer interface.

Connection Handler

Provides information about the available connection handlers on the server, which include the LDAP and LDIF connection handlers. These handlers are used to accept client connections.


Provides general information about the server, including product name and server version.

JVM Stack Trace

Provides a stack trace of all threads processing within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

LDAP Connection Handler Statistics

Provides statistics about the interaction that the associated LDAP connection handler has had with its clients, including the number of connections established and closed, bytes read and written, LDAP messages, and operations handled.

Processing Time Histogram

Categorizes operation processing times into several user-defined buckets of information, including the total number of operations processed, overall average response time, and number of processing times between 0ms and 1ms.

System Information

Provides general information about the system and the JVM on which the server is running, including host name, operating system, JVM architecture, Java home, and Java version.


Provides information about the product version, including build ID and revision number.

Work Queue

Provides information about the state of the PingDataSync work queue, which holds requests until they can be processed by a worker thread. The work queue configuration has a monitor-queue-time property set to true by default. This logs messages for new operations with a qtimeattribute included in the log messages. Its value is expressed in milliseconds and represents the length of time that operations are held in the work queue.

A dedicated thread pool can be used for processing administrative operations. This thread pool enables diagnosis and corrective action if all other worker threads are processing operations. To request that operations be processed using the administrative thread pool, the requester must have the use-admin-sessionprivilege (included for root users). By default, eight threads are available for this purpose. This can be changed with the num-administrative-session-worker-threads property in the work queue configuration.