
Monitoring the PingDirectoryProxy server

While the PingDirectoryProxy server is running, it generates a significant amount of information available through monitor entries.

This section contains information about the following:

  • Monitoring server status using the status tool

  • About the monitor entries

  • Using the monitoring interfaces

  • Monitoring with Java Management Extensions (JMX)

Monitoring the server using the status tool

The PingDirectoryProxy server provides a status tool that provides basic server status information, including version, connection handlers, a table of LDAP external servers, and the percent of the global index being used.


  1. To view the current state of the server, run the status tool.

    $ bin/status
  2. Enter the LDAP connection parameters.

    >>>> Specify LDAP connection parameters
    Administrator user bind DN [cn=Directory Manager]:
    Password for user ‘cn=Directory Manager’:


              --- Server Status ---
    Server Run Status:    Started 07/Jan/2011:10:59:52.000 -0600
    Operational Status:   Available
    Open Connections:     4
    Max Connections:      8
    Total Connections:    25
              --- Server Details ---
    Host Name:            example
    Administrative Users: cn=Directory Manager
    Installation Path:    /path/to/PingDirectoryProxy
    Version:              PingDirectoryProxy
    Java Version:         jdk-7u9
              --- Connection Handlers ---
    Address:Port : Protocol : State
    Step : JMX      : Disabled
    Step  : LDAPS    : Disabled
    Step : LDAP     : Enabled
             --- LDAP External Servers ---
    Server         : Status    : Score : LB Algorithm
    localhost:389  : Available : 10    : dc_example_dc_com-failover
    localhost:1389 : Available : 10    : dc_example_dc_com-failover
             --- LDAP External Server Op Counts ---
    Server         : Add : Bind:Compare:Delete:Modify:Mod DN:Search : All
    localhost:11389: 0   : 0  : 0    : 0     : 0     : 0    : 1249  : 1249
    localhost:12389: 0   : 0  : 0    : 0     : 0     : 0    : 494   : 494
             --- Entry Balancing Request Processors ---
     Base DN                     : Global Index % Used
    ou=people,dc=example,dc=com : 33
             --- Global Index Stats for ou=people,dc=example,dc=com ---
    Index : Total Bytes : Key Bytes : Keys : Size (# Keys) : Inserted :
    Removed : Replaced: Hits : Misses : Discarded : Duplicates
    rdn   : 30667304    : 14888906  : 1000001 : 3464494 0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0
    uid   : 26523480    : 10888902  : 1000001 : 3464494 0 : 0 : 3583 : 0 : 0 : 0
              --- Operation Processing Time ---
    Op Type   : Total Ops : Avg Resp Time (ms)
    Add       : 0         : 0.0
    Bind      : 0         : 0.0
    Compare   : 0         : 0.0
    Delete    : 0         : 0.0
    Modify    : 0         : 0.0
    Modify DN : 0         : 0.0
    Search    : 3583      : 117.58
    All       : 3583      : 117.58
              --- Work Queue ---
               : Recent : Average : Maximum
    Queue Size : 0      : 0       : 1
    % Busy     : 0      : 1       : 19

Monitor entries

This topic applies only to the PingDirectory server.

While the server is running, it generates a significant amount of information available through monitor entries. Monitor entries are available over LDAP in the cn=monitor subtree. The types of monitor entries that are available include:

  • General Monitor Entry (cn=monitor) – Provides a basic set of general information about the server.

  • Active Operations Monitor Entry (cn=Active Operations,cn=monitor) – Provides information about all operations currently in progress in the server.

  • Backend Monitor Entries (cn={id} Backend,cn=monitor) – Provides information about the backend, including the number of entries, the base DN(s), and whether it is private.

  • Client Connections Monitor Entry (cn=Client Connections,cn=monitor) – Provides information about all connections currently established to the server.

  • Connection Handler Monitor Entry (cn={name},cn=monitor) – Provides information about the configuration of each connection handler and the client connections established to it.

  • Database Environment Monitor Entries (cn={id} Database Environment,cn=monitor) – Provides statistics and other data from the Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition database envi- ronment used by the associated backend.

  • Disk Space Usage Monitor Entry (cn=Disk Space Usage,cn=monitor) – Provides information about the amount of usable disk space available to server components.

  • JVM Memory Usage Monitor Entry (cn=JVM Memory Usage,cn=monitor) – Provides information about garbage collection activity, the amount of memory available to the server, and the amount of memory consumed by various server components.

  • JVM Stack Trace Monitor Entry (cn=JVM Stack Trace,cn=monitor) – Provides a stack trace of all threads in the JVM.

  • LDAP Statistics Monitor Entries (cn={name} Statistics,cn=monitor) – Provides information about the number of each type of operation requested and bytes transferred over the connection handler.

  • Processing Time Histogram Monitor Entry (cn=Processing Time Histogram,cn=monitor) – Provides information about the number of percent of operations that completed in various response time categories.

  • SSL Context Monitor Entry (cn=SSL Context,cn=monitor) – Provides information about the available and supported SSL Cipher Suites and Protocols on the server.

  • System Information Monitor Entry (cn=System Information,cn=monitor) – Provides information about the underlying JVM and system.

  • Version Monitor Entry (cn=Version,cn=monitor) – Provides information about the server version.

  • Work Queue Monitor Entry (cn=Work Queue,cn=monitor) – Provides information about the state of the server’s work queue, including the number of operations waiting on worker threads and the number of operations that have been rejected because the queue became full.