
Applying changes using dsjavaproperties

To apply the changes to the config/ file, edit the file manually, and then run the bin/dsjavaproperties utility.

The dsjavaproperties utility uses the information contained in the config/ file to generate a lib/set-java-home script, or lib\set-java-home.bat on Microsoft Windows systems, which is used by the PingDirectory server and all of its supporting tools to identify the Java environment and its JVM settings. During the process, dsjavaproperties calculates an MD5 digest of the contents of the config/ file and stores the digest in the generated set-java-home script.

The dsjavaproperties utility also performs some minimal validation whenever the property references a valid Java installation by verifying that $(java-home)/bin/java exists and is executable.

If you make any changes to the config/ file but forget to run bin/dsjavaproperties, the PingDirectory server compares the MD5 digest with the version stored in set-java-home and sends a message to standard error if the digests differ.

WARNING -- File /ds/{pingdir}
             /config/  has been edited without
running  dsjavaproperties  to apply the changes

Updating the Java version in the properties file

To change the version of Java that is used by the server and tools, edit the config/ file and apply the change by invoking bin/dsjavaproperties with no command line options.

About this task

You must restart the PingDirectory server for the change to take affect.


  • Inside config/, alter the value of to point to the Java correct Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

    Any time the config/ file is updated, the bin/dsjavaproperties tool must be run to apply the new configuration.


    $ bin/dsjavaproperties

Regenerating the Java properties file

The dsjavaproperties command provides an --initialize option that allows you to regenerate the Java properties file specifically if you set up the PingDirectory server using standard memory usage but opt for aggressive memory tuning after setup.

About this task

Rather than reconfigure the Java properties file by re-running setup or manually editing the file, you can regenerate the properties file for aggressive memory tuning. Any existing file is renamed with a .old suffix.


  • Run the dsjavaproperties command to regenerate the java properties file for aggressive memory tuning.


    $ bin/dsjavaproperties --initialize --jvmTuningParameter AGGRESSIVE