
Defining resource limits in the global configuration

Use the following global configuration properties to enforce resource limits and provide protection against denial-of-service attacks.

Property Description


The default maximum number of entries that a client can retrieve in any single search operation. If the client attempts to process a search that matches more than 1000 entries, then the operation fails with a sizeLimitExceeded result (after returning all matching entries identified before the size limit was reached). This is set to 1,000 by default. A value of zero indicates that no limit should be enforced.


The default maximum length of time in seconds that the server is allowed to spend processing any single search operation. If the client requests a search operation that takes longer than this length of time to complete, then the operation fails with a timeLimitExceeded result (after returning any matching entries identified before the time limit was reached). This is set to one minute by default. A value of zero seconds indicates that no limit should be enforced.


The default maximum length of time that a client connection should be allowed to remain established after the server has completed processing on the most recent request issued on that connection. If the client remains idle for longer than this duration, the connection is terminated. A value of zero seconds (which is the default value) indicates that no idle time limit should be enforced.


The default maximum number of entries that the server can examine in the course of processing a search request, regardless of whether those entries actually match the search criteria. This is primarily useful for limiting resource consumption when processing unindexed searches, and if the client attempts to process a search operation in which the server needs to examine more than this number of entries, then the operation fails with an adminLimitExceeded result (after returning any matching entries identified before the lookthrough limit was reached). This is set to 5,000 by default. A value of zero indicates that no limit should be enforced.


The default maximum number of entries that can be joined with each search result entry when processing a search using the LDAP join request control. If an entry is joined with more than this number of entries, then the join result control for that entry has a sizeLimitExceeded result code (and might or might not include any matching entries). This is set to 10,000 by default. A value of zero indicates that no limit should be enforced.


The maximum number of connections that can be established to the server at any one time. After this limit has been reached, then any subsequent connection attempts are rejected until an existing client connection has been closed. A value of zero (which is the default) indicates that no limit is imposed by the server, although the operating system can impose a limit (for example, based on the number of available file descriptors).


The maximum number of connections that can be established to the server at any one time from the same client IP address. After this limit has been reached, then any subsequent attempts to establish a connection from that client are rejected until an existing connection from that client has been closed. A value of zero (which is the default) indicates that no limit is enforced.


The maximum number of connections that can be established to the server at any one time while authenticated as the same user. After this limit has been reached, then any subsequent attempts to bind as that user cause the connection to be terminated until an existing connection authenticated as that user is closed or binds as a different user. A value of zero (which is the default) indicates that no limit is enforced.


The maximum number of unindexed searches that can be in progress within the server at any one time. If an unindexed search is requested while the maximum number of searches are already in progress, then that search is rejected with an unwillingToPerform result. This is set to ten by default. A value of zero indicates that no limit is enforced.

You can also configure the server to suppress duplicate error log messages and administrative alerts. This can help prevent flooding the log with repeated messages if the same condition keeps occurring. The global configuration properties used to control this are:

Property Description

duplicate-error-log-limit and duplicate-error-log-time-limit

The maximum number of error log messages of the same type that can be written within a given length of time. If that error log message rate is exceeded, then any additional error log messages of that type within that time period are suppressed, and the server writes a message at the end of that time indicating the number of messages that were suppressed. By default, the server starts suppressing error log messages after 2,000 messages of the same type in a five-minute period.

duplicate-alert-limit and duplicate-alert-time-limit

The maximum number of administrative alerts of the same type that can be generated within a given length of time. If that alert rate is exceeded, then any additional alerts of that type within that time period are suppressed, and the server generates an additional alert at the end of that time period indicating the number of alerts that were suppressed. By default, the server starts suppressing alerts after 10 alerts of the same type are generated in a ten-minute period.