
Deleting entries using ldapdelete

You can delete an entry using the ldapdelete tool.

Ensure that there are no child entries below the entry because that can create an orphaned entry.

Back up your system before removing any entries.

Deleting an entry using ldapdelete


  1. To delete an entry, run the ldapdelete command.


    The following example deletes the uid=user.14 entry.

    $ bin/ldapdelete uid=user.14,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

Deleting multiple entries using an LDIF file

About this task

To generate a file of distinguished names (DNs) to delete from the PingDirectory server:


  1. To search for all entries in a branch and return the DNs of the subentries, run the following command.


    For this example, the search is for all entries in the ou=Accounting branch.

    $ bin/dump-dns -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -w password --baseDN \
                            "ou=Accounting,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" --outputFile /usr/local/entry_dns.txt
  2. Run the ldapdelete command with the file to delete the entries.


    The following command uses the --continueOnError option, which continues deleting through the whole list even if an error is encountered for a DN entry.

    $ bin/ldapdelete --filename /usr/local/entry_dns.txt --continueOnError