
Managing the topology

The following sections describe common topology management operations.

When enabling or disabling replication within a topology that contains multiple product versions, you must run the dsreplication tool from the server root location of a member of the topology that has the oldest product version.

Adding a server to the topology

Before you begin

You must:

  • Have an existing PingDirectory server topology.

  • Ensure that more than 50% of servers in the topology and the new server are online.

About this task

The commands are identical for initial enablement between two servers where one server contains data for the replication domain stored in the userRoot backend. If database encryption is being used on the servers in the topology, the server being initialized must have a copy of the encryption-settings backend from the source server.


  1. To enable replication for the base distinguished name (DN), or base DNs, run dsreplication enable using an existing server as host1 and the new server as host2.


    $ bin/dsreplication enable \
      --host1 --port1 1389 \
      --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword1 password \
      --replicationPort1 8989 --host2 --port2 1389 \
      --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword2 password \
      --replicationPort2 8989 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com --adminUID admin \
      --adminPassword password --no-prompt
  2. Optional: To compare the configurations between the two hosts used in the dsreplication enable command, run config-diff.

    Ensure settings are consistent across the topology and are also consistent with the new system.


    $ bin/config-diff --sourceLocal \
      --targetHost \
      --targetBindDN "cn=directory manager" \
      --targetBindPassword pass --targetPort 1389

Replacing the data for a replicating domain

About this task

In case the data for the entire replication domain, such as the backend, needs to be replaced, perform the following steps:


  1. With all servers online, run dsreplication pre-external-initialization against any server in the topology.


    $ bin/dsreplication pre-external-initialization --hostname \
       --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com --adminUID admin \
       --adminPassword password --no-prompt


    Replication is stopped for the domain. No writes are made by clients to any of the servers.

  2. To replace the data for dc=example,dc=com, use import-ldif.

    1. Optional: To overwrite the existing data for the domain, use the --overwriteExistingEntries option.

    2. Optional: To ensure that the input LDIF is free of any replication attributes, use the --excludeReplication option.


      In this example, you perform the import-ldif with the server offline using the --excludeReplication and --overwriteExistingEntries options.

      $ bin/import-ldif --ldifFile new-data.ldif --backendID userRoot --excludeReplication --overwriteExistingEntries
  3. To initialize the other servers in the topology, run dsreplication initialize using the server that has the new data as the source host.


    $ bin/dsreplication initialize --hostSource --portSource 1389 \
       --hostDestination --portDestination 1389 \
       --adminUID admin --adminPassword password --baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
  4. From any server in the topology, run dsreplication post-external-initialization once.

    All servers in the topology must be online.


    $ bin/dsreplication post-external-initialization --hostname \
       --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com --adminUID admin \
       --adminPassword password --no-prompt