
Summary of the dsreplication Subcommands

Use this topic as a reference for dsreplication subcommands and functions and their descriptions.

The following table presents a summary of the dsreplication subcommands and functions.

To see the available options for each subcommand, run bin/dsreplication <subcommand> --help.

Subcommand Description


Disables replication on the specified server for the provided base distinguish name (DN) and removes references to this server in the other servers with which it is replicating data.


Updates the configuration of the servers to replicate the data under the specified base DN.

If one of the servers is already replicating the data under the base DN with other servers, executing this subcommand updates the configuration of all the servers. It is sufficient to execute the command line one time for each server you add to the replication topology.


Initializes the data under the specified base DN on the destination server with the contents on the source server.


Initializes the data under the specified base DN on all servers in the replication topology with the contents on the specified server.


Used with pre-external-initialization, the command resets the generation ID based on the newly-loaded data.

Consider the following using this subcommand:

  • You must call this subcommand after initializing the contents of all the replicated servers using the import-ldif tool or dsreplication initialize.

  • Specify the list of base DNs that have been initialized and provide the credentials of any of the servers that are being replicated. For more information, see the usage of the pre-external-initialization subcommand.

  • This subcommand only needs to be run one time on one of the replicas.


Clears the existing generation ID and removes all accumulated changes of the replicated suffix from the Replication Changelog Database on every replication server.

Consider the following using this subcommand:

  • Use this subcommand when globally restoring the replicas on all of the servers in a topology.

  • You must specify the list of base DNs that will be initialized and provide the credentials of any of the servers that are being replicated.

  • After calling this subcommand, initialize the contents of all the servers in the topology, then call the post-external-initialization subcommand.

  • You only need to run this subcommand one time on one of the replicas.


Displays the status of replication domains. If no base DNs are specified as parameters, the information for all base DNs displays.

Available options with the status subcommand are:

  • --showAll

  • --displayServerTable

  • --location