
Setting up with the configuration scripts

The PingDirectory server includes two configuration scripts that can serve as the starting point for setting up the Consent Service.

About this task

You can use one of the following two configuration scripts to start setting up the Consent Service:

  • consent-service-base-entries.ldif - Import this LDIF script to create the base distinguished name (DN) where consent records are stored.

  • consent-service-cfg.dsconfig - Import this script to configure and enable the Consent Service.

Both scripts are located in the /resource/consent/ directory of the PingDirectory server root.

Carefully review and update both scripts to support your client application scenarios and business needs.


  1. Choose a configuration script to set up the Consent Service.

    Choose from:

    • Basic configuration with the consent-service-base-entries.ldif file.

      1. Edit the LDIF script and change the location of where you want to store the consent records.

      2. Import the LDIF script using the ldapmodify command. See the following example.

        $ bin/ldapmodify --defaultAdd \
          --filename consent-service-base-entries.ldif
    • Basic configuration with the consent-service-cfg.dsconfig file.

      1. Search for CHANGE-ME and replace values.

      2. Review configuration commands and make additional changes to match existing Ping environment parameters, application scenarios, and business needs.

      3. Impost the script with the dsconfig command. See the following example.

        $ bin/dsconfig --no-prompt \
          --batch-file consent-service-cfg.dsconfig