
Verify the synchronization configuration

The most common use for the resync command is to test that the Sync Pipe configuration has been set up correctly. For example, the following procedure assumes that the configuration was set up with the Sync Source topology (two replicated Sun Directory servers) with 2003 entries. The Sync Destination topology (two replicated PingDirectory servers) has only the base entry and the cn=Sync User entry. Both source and destination topologies have their LDAP Change Logs enabled. Because both topologies are not actively being updated, the resync command can be run with one pass through the entries.

Use the resync command with the --dry-run option to check the synchronization configuration. The output displays a timestamp that can be tracked in the logs.

$ bin/resync --pipe-name sun-to-ds-sync-pipe \
  --numPasses 1 \
Starting Pass 1
Status after completing all passes[20/Mar/2010:10:20:07 -0500]
Source entries retrieved 2003
Entries missing 2002
Entries out-of-sync 1
Duration (seconds) 4
Resync completed in 4 s.
0 entries were in-sync, 0 entries were modified, 0 entries were created,
1 entries are still out-of-sync, 2002 entries are still missing, and
0 entries could not be processed due to an error