
Configuring load balancing using dsconfig

Create and configure a load-balancing algorithm with dsconfig.

About this task

To create and configure a load-balance algorithm:


  1. Run the dsconfig tool.

    When prompted, specify the host name, connection method, port number, and bind distinguished name (DN).


    $ bin/dsconfig
  2. In the PingDirectoryProxy main menu, enter the selection for load-balancing algorithms.

  3. To create the Load Balancing Algorithm, in the Load Balancing Algorithm menu, select an option.

    Choose from:

    • To use an existing load-balancing algorithm as a template, enter t.

    • To create a new load-balancing algorithm from scratch, enter n.


      In this example, a new Load Balancing Algorithm is created from scratch.

      >>>>Choose how to create the new Load Balancing Algorithm:
      n) new Load Balancing Algorithm created from scratch
      t) use an existing Load Balancing Algorithm as a template
      b) back
      q) quit
      Enter a choice [n]: n
  4. In Select the type of Load Balancing Algorithm menu, select the type of load-balancing algorithm that you want to create.

    Depending on the type of algorithm you select, you’re guided through a series of configuration properties, such as providing a name and selecting an LDAP external server.


    >>>> Select the type of Load Balancing Algorithm that you want to
        1)  Failover Load Balancing Algorithm
        2)  Fewest Operations Load Balancing Algorithm
        3)  Health Weighted Load Balancing Algorithm
        4)  Single Server Load Balancing Algorithm
        5)  Weighted Load Balancing Algorithm
        ?)  help
        c)  cancel
        q)  quit
    Enter choice [c]: 3
  5. Review the configuration properties for your new load-balancing algorithm and enter f.