
Configuring constructed attribute mappings

It is recommended that you use JSON attribute mappings rather than constructed attribute mappings (see Configuring JSON attribute mapping).

The PingOne User model contains simple JSON attributes like "title": "Director" as well as complex JSON objects like \{"name": \{"given": "Jane", "family": “Doe”}}. To ensure accurate processing when you construct attribute mappings that interact with complex objects, construct valid JSON strings and use the command jsonEscape, as the following example shows.

dsconfig create-attribute-mapping \
   --map-name PingDirectory_to_PingOne_User_Map  \
   --mapping-name name  \
   --type constructed  \
   --set 'value-pattern:{{"given":"{givenname:jsonEscape}","family":"

Some attributes in the User resource are operational and cannot be modified by synchronizing data. For more information, see the PingOne Platform API Reference.