
dsconfig/ and pre-setup-dsconfig/

You can include dsconfig batch files in the server profile with information about changes to apply to the out-of-box system configuration. Any batch files in the server profile must include a .dsconfig extension. dsconfig batch files in the server profile can’t make changes to any topology configuration, including topology admins and server instances, so you should make topology configuration changes outside of the server profile.

The batch files can be placed in the following server profile directories:


Contains information about changes to apply after the manage-profile tool runs setup, copies any post-setup files into place, and installs any Server SDK extensions contained in the server profile. The dsconfig/ directory should be used for most configuration changes applied to the server.


Holds information about changes to apply immediately before the manage-profile tool runs setup. You should only use the pre-setup-dsconfig/ directory when setting up the server with a pre-existing encryption settings database and applying the changes required for configuring and activating the cipher stream provider needed to access the encryption settings database.

If multiple batch files are present in the directory that the manage-profile tool is using, the files are processed in ascending lexicographic order. For example, 00-base.dsconfig is processed before 01-second.dsconfig.

You can use the config-diff tool to create a dsconfig batch file that reproduces the current topology configuration.