
Configuring the Periodic Stats Logger

The PingDirectory server can log various metrics, including LDAP operation counts and GC activity, to a JSON-formatted log.

About this task

To configure the PingDirectory server to log to a JSON-formatted log file with various metrics, including LDAP operation counts and GC activity, run the following command. The metrics will be written to logs/dsstats.json in the server root.

dsconfig set-plugin-prop \
         --plugin-name "Stats Logger" \
         --set enabled:true \
         --set log-file:logs/dsstats.json \
         --set log-file-format:json \
         --set local-db-backend-info:extended \
         --set header-prefix-per-column:true \
		 --set empty-instead-of-zero:false \
		 --set per-application-ldap-stats:per-application-and-aggregate