
Server tools location

The PingDirectory server stores a full set of command-line tools for maintaining your system in the PingDirectory/bin directory for UNIX or Linux machines and the PingDirectory\bat directory for Microsoft Windows machines.

The PingDirectory server, administrative console, and LDAP SDK for Java are distributed in .zip format. After extracting the file, you can access the setup utility in the server root directory, located at PingDirectory.

Before installing the PingDirectory server, see Preparing the operating system (Linux) for important information on setting up your machines. See Installing the PingDirectory server for information on installing a server instance using the setup utility. You can run this utility in either interactive command-line or non-interactive command-line. For information on modifying the configuration of a server instance or a group of servers using the command-line tools and the administrative console, see Configuring the PingDirectory server.