Identity Gateway 2023.11


The root object for request context information.

Contexts is a map of available contexts, which implement the Context interface. The contexts map is populated dynamically when creating bindings to evaluate expressions and scripts.

If a context type appears multiple times in the chain of contexts, only the last value of the context is exposed in the contexts map. For example, if a route contains two JwtBuilderFilters that each provided data in the JwtBuilderContext, only data from the last processed JwtBuilderFilter is contained in ${contexts.jwtBuilder}. Data from the first processed JwtBuilderFilter can be accessed by scripts and extensions through the Context API. The following example script accesses data from the first processed JwtBuilderFilter:

Context second = context.get("jwtBuilder")
     .flatMap(ctx -> ctx.get("jwtBuilder"))

The map keys are strings and the values are context objects. All context objects use their version of the following properties:

"context-Name": string

Context name.

"context-ID": string

Read-only string uniquely identifying the context object.

"context-rootContext": boolean

True if the context object is a RootContext (has no parent).

"context-Parent": Context object

Parent of this context object.

Contexts provide contextual information to downstream filters and handlers about a handled request. The context can include information about the client making the request, the session, the authentication or authorization identity of the user, and any other state information associated with the request.

Contexts provide a way to access state information throughout the duration of the HTTP session between the client and protected application. Interaction with additional services can also be captured in the context.

Filters can enrich existing contexts (store objects in sessions or attributes), or by provide new contexts tailored for a purpose. Therefore, the list of available context is dynamic and depends on which filters have been executed when a context is queried. For example, a context can be queried by a script, at startup, or at runtime.

Unlike session information, which spans multiple request/response exchanges, contexts last only for the duration of the request/response exchange, and are then lost.

Summary of contexts

Type Accessible at Populated by Contains

contexts.attributes.attributes and

IG core, when a request enters IG

Map of request attributes for use by filters at different positions in the chain


Indication to the FragmentFilter and DataPreservationFilter that a login redirect is pending


Decrypted AM password of the current user


CDSSO token properties, session user ID, full claims set.


Information about errors occurring during CDSSO authentication


IG core, when a request enters IG

Information about the client sending the request, and the client certificate if using mTLS


AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilter when loginHandler is specified.

The original target URI for a request received by IG.


Built JWT as string, JsonValue, or map


Properties of a JWT after validatedation


Properties of a JWT after validation fails


Properties of an OAuth 2.0 access token after validation


Issued token and its scopes


OAuth 2.0 authorization operation error and error description


Attributes and advices returned by AM policy decisions


IG core, when a request enters IG

Information about stateful and stateless sessions


AM session information and properties


SSO tokens and their validation information


Result of a token transformation


IG core, when a request enters IG

ForgeRock transaction ID of a request


IG core, when a request traverses a route

Routing information associated with a request


User profile information


Provides a map for request attributes. When IG processes a single request, it injects transient state information about the request into this context. Attributes stored when processing one request are not accessible when processing a subsequent request.

IG automatically provides access to the attributes field through the attributes bindings in expressions. For example, to access a username with an expression, use ${attributes.credentials.username} instead of ${contexts.attributes.attributes.credentials.username}

Use SessionContext to maintain state between successive requests from the same logical client.


The context is named attributes, and is accessible at ${attributes}. The context has the following property:

"attributes": map

Map with the format Map<String,Object>, where:

  • Key: Attribute name

  • Value: Attribute value

Cannot be null.


Used by the following filters to indicate that a login redirect is pending:

This context is not intended for use in scripts or extensions.

For a single request there must be at most one instance of AuthRedirectContext in the context hierarchy. Confirm for the presence of an AuthRedirectContext before adding a new instance or adding query parameters to an existing instance.

The context is named AuthRedirectAwareContext, and is accessible at ${contexts.AuthRedirectContext}.


"impendingIgRedirectNotified": boolean

Returns true if an IG redirect attempt is pending. Otherwise, returns false.

"notifyImpendingIgRedirectAndUpdateUri": URI

Notifies that an IG redirection has been attempted, and returns an updated URI as follows:

  • If no query parameters are added to the context, return the original URI.

  • If query parameters are added to the context, apply them to the URI and return an updated URI.

  • If the added query parameters have the same name as existing query parameters, replace the existing parameters and return an updated URI.

For example, a request to triggers a login redirect to After authentication, the request is expected to be redirected to the original URI,

"addQueryParameter": java.lang.String

Adds a query parameter to the context, for use by notifyImpendingIgRedirectAndUpdateUri.


Provides the decrypted AM password of the current user. When the CapturedUserPasswordFilter processes a request, it injects the decrypted password from AM into this context.


The context is named capturedPassword, and is accessible at ${contexts.capturedPassword}. The context has the following properties:

"raw": byte

The decrypted password as bytes.

"value": java.lang.String

The decrypted password as a UTF-8 string.


Provides the cross-domain SSO properties for the CDSSO token, the user ID of the session, and the full claims set. When the CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter processes a request, it injects the information in this context.


The context is named cdsso, and is accessible at ${contexts.cdsso}. The context has the following properties:

"claimsSet": org.forgerock.json.jose.jwt.JwtClaimsSet

Full JwtClaimsSet for the identity of the authenticated user. Cannot be null.

Access claims as follows:

  • Claims with a getter by using the property name. For example, access getSubject with contexts.cdsso.claimsSet.subject.

  • All other claims by using the getClaim method. For example, access subname with contexts.cdsso.claimsSet.getClaim('subname').

"cookieInfo": org.forgerock.openig.http.CookieBuilder

Configuration data for the CDSSO authentication cookie, with the following attributes:

  • name: Cookie name (string)

  • domain: (Optional) Cookie domain (string)

  • path: Cookie path (string)

No attribute can be null.

"redirectEndpoint": java.lang.String

Redirect endpoint URI configured for communication with AM. Cannot be null.

"sessionUid": java.lang.String

Universal session ID. Cannot be null.

"token": java.lang.String

Value of the CDSSO token. Cannot be null.


Contains the error details for any error that occurred during cross-domain SSO authentication. When the CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter processes a request, should an error occur that prevents authentication, the error details are captured in this context.


The context is named cdssoFailure, and is accessible at ${contexts.cdssoFailure}. The context has the following properties:

"error": java.lang.String

The error that occurred during authentication. Cannot be null.

"description": java.lang.String

A description of the error that occurred during authentication. Cannot be null.

"throwable": java.lang.Throwable

Any Throwable associated with the error that occured during authentication. Can be null.


Information about the client sending a request. When IG receives a request, it injects information about the client sending the request into this context.


The context is named client, and is accessible at ${contexts.client}. The context has the following properties:

"certificates": java.util.List <>

List of X.509 certificates presented by the client. If the client does not present any certificates, IG returns an empty list. Never null.

The following example uses the certificate associated with the incoming HTTP connection:

  "name": "CertificateThumbprintFilter-1",
  "type": "CertificateThumbprintFilter",
  "config": {
    "certificate": "${contexts.client.certificates[0]}"
"isExternal": boolean

True if the client connection is external.

"isSecure": boolean

True if the client connection is secure.

"localAddress": java.lang.String

The IP address of the interface that received the request.

"localPort": integer

The port of the interface that received the request.

"remoteAddress": java.lang.String

The IP address of the client (or the last proxy) that sent the request.

"remotePort": integer

The source port of the client (or the last proxy) that sent the request.

"remoteUser": java.lang.String

The login of the user making the request, or null if unknown. This is likely to be null unless you have deployed IG with a non-default deployment descriptor that secures the IG web application.

"userAgent": java.lang.String

The value of the User-Agent HTTP header in the request if any, otherwise null.


Provides the original target URI for the request received by IG. Use this context with loginHandler in AuthorizationCodeOAuth2ClientFilter.


The context is named idpSelectionLogin and is accessible at ${contexts.idpSelectionLogin}. The context has the following property:

"originalUri": URI

The original target URI for the request received by IG. The value of this field is read-only.


When the JwtBuilderFilter processes a request, it stores provided data in this context. This context returns the JWT as string, JsonValue, or map for downstream use.


The context is named jwtBuilder, and is accessible at ${contexts.jwtBuilder}, with the following properties:

"value": java.lang.String

The base64url encoded UTF-8 parts of the JWT, containing name-value pairs of data. Cannot be null.

"claims": java.util.Map

Map with the format Map<String,Object>, where:

  • Key: Claim name

  • Value: Claim value

"claimsAsJsonValue": org.forgerock.json.JsonValue

Claims as a JSon value.


Provides the properties of a JWT after validation. When the JwtValidationFilter validates a JWT, or the IdTokenValidationFilter validates an id_token, it injects a copy of the JWT and its claims into this context.


The context is named jwtValidation, and is accessible at ${contexts.jwtValidation}. The context has the following properties:

"value": java.lang.String

The value of the JWT. Cannot be null.

"claims": org.forgerock.json.jose.jwt.JwtClaimsSet

A copy of the claims as a JwtClaimsSet.

"info": java.util.Map

A map in the format Map<String,Object>, where:

  • Key: Claim name

  • Value: Claim value

"jwt": org.forgerock.json.jose.jwt.Jwt

A copy of the JWT.


Provides the properties of a JWT after validation fails. When the JwtValidationFilter fails to validate a JWT, or the IdTokenValidationFilter fails to validate an id_token, it injects the JWT and a list of violations into this context.


The context is named jwtValidationError, and is accessible at ${contexts.jwtValidationError}. The context has the following properties:

"jwt": java.lang.String

The value of the JWT. Cannot be null.

"violations": java.util.List<Violation>

A list of violations.


Provides OAuth 2.0 access tokens. When the OAuth2ResourceServerFilter processes a request, it injects the access token into this context.


The context name is oauth2, and is accessible at ${contexts.oauth2}. The context has the following properties:

"accessToken": org.forgerock.http.oauth2.AccessTokenInfo

The AccessTokenInfo is built from the following properties:

"info": java.util.Map

A map with the format Map<String,Object>, where

  • Key: Claim name

  • Value: Claim value in raw JSON

"token": java.lang.String

Access token identifier issued from the Authorization Server.

"scopes": java.util.Set

A set scopes associated to this token, with the format Set<String>.

"expiresAt": java.lang.Long

Timestamp of when the token expires, in milliseconds since epoch.


When the OAuth2TokenExchangeFilter succesfully issues a token, it injects the issued token and its scopes into this context.


The context name is OAuth2TokenExchangeContext, and is accessible at ${contexts.oauth2TokenExchange}.

The context has the following properties:

"issuedToken": java.lang.String

The token issued by the Authorization Server.

"issuedTokenType": java.lang.String

The token type URN.

"scopes": java.util.Set<java.lang.String>

One or more scopes associated with the issued token, for example, "scope1", "scope2", "scope3".

"rawInfo": org.forgerock.json.JsonValue

The raw token info as issued by the Authorization Server.


When an OAuth 2.0 authorization operation fails, the error and error description provided by the authorization service are injected into this context for use downstream.

The amount and type of information in the context depends on when a failure occurs.

This context supports OAuth 2.0 error messages in the format given by RFC 6749.


The context is named OAuth2Failure, and is accessible at ${contexts.oauth2failure}. The context has the following properties:

"error": java.lang.String

The error field name.

"description": java.lang.String

Error description field name.

"exception": org.forgerock.openig.filter.oauth2.client.OAuth2ErrorException

The OAuth 2.0 exception associated with the token exchange error.


For examples that use ${contexts.oauth2failure.error} and ${contexts.oauth2failure.description, refer to the routes in OAuth 2.0 token exchange and Discover and dynamically register with OpenID Connect providers.


Provides attributes and advices returned by AM policy decisions. When the PolicyEnforcementFilter processes a request, it injects the attributes and advices into this context.


The context is named policyDecision, and is accessible at ${contexts.policyDecision}. The context has the following properties:

"attributes": java.util.Map

A map with the format Map<String, List<String>>, where:

  • Key: Attribute name.

  • Value: A One or more attribute values provided in the policy decision. Can be empty, but not null.

"jsonAttributes": java.util.Map

A map with the format Map<String, List<String>>, where:

  • Key: Attribute name.

  • Value: One or more attribute values provided in the policy decision. Can be empty, but not null.

"advices": java.util.Map

A map with the format Map<String, List<String>>, where:

  • Key: Advice name.

  • Value: One or more advice values provided in the policy decision. Can be empty, but not null.

"jsonAdvices": java.util.Map

A map with the format Map<String, List<String>>, where:

  • Key: Advice name

  • Value: One or more advice values provided in the policy decision. Can be empty, but not null.

"actions": java.util.Map

A map with the format Map<String, Boolean> where:

  • Key: Action name.

  • Value: true when an action is allowed for the specified resource, false otherwise. Cannot be null.

"jsonActions": json.JsonValue

A map with the format Map<String, Boolean>, where:

  • Key: Action name.

  • Value: true when an action is allowed for the specified resource, false otherwise. Cannot be null.

"resource": java.lang.String

The resource value used in the policy request. Can be empty, but not null.


Provides access to information about stateful and stateless sessions.

To process a single request, consider using AttributesContext to transfer transient state between components and prevent IG from creating additional sessions.

IG automatically provides access to the session field through the session bindings in expressions. For example, to access a username with an expression, use ${session.username} instead of ${contexts.session.session.username}


The context is named session, and is accessible at ${contexts.session}. The context has the following properties:

"session": java.util.Map

A map with the format Map<String, Object>, where:

  • Key: Session property name

  • Value: Session property value

Any object type can be stored in the session.


Provides AM session information and properties. When the SessionInfoFilter processes a request, it injects info and properties from the AM session into this context.


The context is named amSession, and is accessible at ${contexts.amSession}. The context has the following properties:

"asJsonValue()": json.JsonValue


"latestAccessTime": java.time.Instant

The timestamp of when the session was last used. Can be null if the DN is not resident on the SSO token, or if the time cannot be obtained from the session.

"maxIdleExpirationTime": java.time.Instant

The timestamp of when the session would time out for inactivity. Can be null if the DN is not resident on the SSO token, or if the time cannot be obtained from the session.

"maxSessionExpirationTime": java.time.Instant

The timestamp of when the session would time out regardless of activity. Can be null if the DN is not resident on the SSO token, or if the time cannot be obtained from the session.

"properties": java.util.Map

A read-only map with the format Map<String, String>, where

  • Key: Name of a property bound to the session

  • Value: Value of the property

The following properties are retrieved:

  • When sessionProperties in AmService is configured, listed session properties with a value.

  • When sessionProperties in AmService is not configured, all session properties with a value.

  • Properties with a value that are required by IG but not specified by sessionProperties in AmService. For example, when the session cache is enabled, session properties related to the cache are automatically retrieved.

Properties with a value are returned, properties with a null value are not returned

Can be empty, but not null.

"realm": java.lang.String

The realm as specified by AM, in a user-friendly slash (/) separated format. Can be null if the DN is not resident on the SSO token.

"sessionHandle": java.lang.String

The handle to use for logging out of the session. Can be null if the handle is not available for the session.

"universalId": java.lang.String

The DN that AM uses to uniquely identify the user. Can be null if it cannot be obtained from the SSO token.

"username": java.lang.String

A user-friendly version of the username. Can be null if the DN is not resident on the SSO token, or empty if it cannot be obtained from the DN.


Provides SSO tokens and their validation information. When the SingleSignOnFilter or CrossDomainSingleSignOnFilter processes a request, it injects the value of the SSO token and additional information in this context.


The context is named ssoToken, and is accessible at ${contexts.ssoToken}. The context has the following properties:

"info": java.util.Map

A map with the format Map<String, Object>, where

  • Key: Property bound to the SSO token, such as realm or uid

  • Value: Value of the property

Information associated with the SSO token, such as realm or uid. Cannot be null.

"loginEndpoint": java.lang.String

A string representing the URL of the login endpoint, evaluated from the configuration of SingleSignOnFilter.

"value": java.lang.String

The value of the SSO token. Cannot be null.


Provides the result of a token transformation. When the TokenTransformationFilter processes a request, it injects the result into this context.


The context is named sts, and is accessible at ${contexts.sts}. The context has the following properties:

"issuedToken": java.lang.String

The result of the token transformation.


Provides routing information associated with a request. When IG routes a request, it injects information about the routing into this context.


The context is named router, and is accessible at ${contexts.router}. The context has the following properties:

"baseUri": java.lang.String

The portion of the request URI which has been routed so far.

"matchedUri": java.lang.String

The portion of the request URI that matched the URI template.

"originalUri": URI

The original target URI for the request, as received by IG. The value of this field is read-only.

"remainingUri": java.lang.String

The portion of the request URI that is remaining to be matched.

"uriTemplateVariables": java.util.Map

A map with the format Map<String, String>, where:

  • Key: Name of a URI template variable

  • Value: Value of a URI template variable


When the UserProfileFilter processes a request, it injects the user profile information into this context. This context provides raw JSON representation, and convenience accessors that map commonly used LDAP field names to a context names.


The context is named userProfile, and is accessible at ${contexts.userProfile}. The context has the following properties:

"username": java.lang.String

User-friendly version of the username. This field is always fetched. If the underlying data store doesn’t include username, this field is null.

Example of use: ${contexts.userProfile.username}

"realm": java.lang.String

Realm as specified by AM, in a user-friendly slash (/) separated format. Can be null.

Example of use: ${contexts.userProfile.realm}

"distinguishedName": java.lang.String

Distinguished name of the user. Can be null.

Example of use: ${contexts.userProfile.distinguishedName}

"commonName": java.lang.String

Common name of the user. Can be null.

Example of use: ${contexts.userProfile.commonName}

"rawInfo": java.util.Map

An unmodifiable map in the format Map<String, Object>, where:

  • Key: Name of a field in an AM user profile

  • Value: Value of a field in an AM user profile

This context contains the object structure of the AM user profile. Any individual field can be retrieved from the map. Depending on the requested fields, the context can be empty or values can be null.

Examples of use: ${contexts.userProfile.rawInfo}, ${contexts.userProfile.rawInfo.username}, ${contexts.userProfile.rawInfo.employeeNumber[0]}.

"asJsonValue()": json.JsonValue

User profile information structured as JSON.

Example of use: ${contexts.userProfile.asJsonValue()}


The transaction ID of a request. When IG receives a request, it injects the transaction ID into this context.


The context is named transactionId, and is accessible at ${contexts.transactionId}. The context has the following properties:


The ID of the transaction.