PingOne for Enterprise

Add an app to a category

About this task

The PingOne dock can contain many apps. Categorizing them can organize the dock and ease search and navigation for your users.

When you add an app to the applications list, select the appropriate category from the list provided. If the app is available to a user in their dock, the category is listed in their navigation pane, and the app appears under the selected category, as well as in the All Applications category.

The PingOne dock navigation pane lists only the categories having at least one associated app.


  1. Click Applications → My Applications.

  2. Select an application from the list and click Edit.

  3. Continue through the app wizard until you reach the page containing the PingOne App Customization section. Here you can select the logo, icon, name and description for the app.

  4. In the Category dropdown menu, select the category that you want to apply to this app and click Save & Publish.


    The app is added to the selected category. When a user with access to the app signs on to PingOne dock, the app appears on the dock in the category that you selected and in the All Applications category.