PingOne for Enterprise

View certificate details

You can use the Certificates menu to view detail about certificates ad the connections associated with them.

About this task

You can view certificate properties and the applications, connections, and identity bridges associated with a specific signing certificate, verification certificate, or encryption certificate. The certificate expiry date is displayed at the top right of the certificate entry. For signing certificates that you manage, you can also generate a signing certificate request (CSR).


  1. In the PingOne admin portal, click Setup → Certificates → Filters and select the type of certificate you want to view.

  2. Click to expand and display the certificate details for a selected certificate.

  3. You have these options:

    Choose from:

    • Properties. View certificate properties, including type, issue date, serial number, Issuer and Subject DN, and the SHA1 and SHA256 fingerprints.

    Click Make Default to make this the default signing certificate for new application connections.

    • Usage. View the application connections or identity bridge associated with the certificate. Click a connection or identity bridge to switch to another certificate (signing certificates), upload a new certificate (verification certificate) or upload a new encryption certificate.

    • CSR. (Signing certificates only). Generate a certificate signing request, and import the CSR response.

    • Share. Share the certificate via email. You’re prompted for the user’s email address and the user is sent a download link for the certificate.

    • Download. Download the certificate to the default download location used by the browser.