#Sample rails controller
class TestIntegrationController < ApplicationController
# The restApiKey value is the REST API Client Secret (the password/secret associated with your REST API Client ID). You will need
# to uncomment the @restApiKey statement and replace the empty string in the sample below with your REST API Client Secret.
# For example: @restApiKey = "mySecretApiPassword"
# The restAuthUsername value is the REST API Client ID (a GUID) automatically assigned to your account in the PingOne admin portal
# on the Account > Integration page.
# You will need to replace the restAuthUsername value in "${restAuthUsername}" in the sample below with your REST API Client ID.
# For example: @request.basic_auth "5f6ce45e-1a00-488e-8519-7c9946cb6379", restApiKey
def sso
@tokenid = params[:tokenid]
@url = URI.parse "${tokenServiceBaseUrl}/sso/TXS/2.0/1/%s" % @tokenid
@http = Net::HTTP.new(@url.host, @url.port)
@http.use_ssl = true
@request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(@url.path)
@restApiKey = ""
@request.basic_auth "${restAuthUsername}", @restApiKey
@response = @http.request(@request)
@data = JSON.parse @response.body
@subject = @data['pingone.subject']
@idpid = @data['pingone.idp.id']
# TODO: Verify that @subject belongs to @idpid, and
# Create a user session
respond_to do |format|
format.html # sso.html.erb
# sso.html.erb
<p>Welcome, <%= @subject %> </p>