1. In the PingOne for Enterprise admin console, go to Applications > Application Catalog.
  2. Optional: In the Search field, search for the application.
  3. Click the Zendesk application line to expand it, and then click Setup.
  4. On the SSO Instructions tab, click Download to download the PingOne for Enterprise signing certificate.
  5. In the Zendesk admin console, click the Zendesk Products icon, then click Admin Center.
  6. Click the Security icon, then click the Single sign-on tab.
  7. Click Configure.
  8. In the single sign-on (SSO) configuration form, enter the following information.



    SAML SSO URL (Required)

    https://sso.connect.pingidentity.com/sso/idp/SSO.saml2?idpid=<your IdP ID value>

    Certificate fingerprint (Required)

    Enter the certificate fingerprint for your signing certificate.


    To obtain the certificate fingerprint, in PingOne for Enterprise, go to Setup > Certificates, and expand the line for your signing certificate. PingOne for Enterprise displays both the SHA1 Fingerprint and SHA256 Fingerprint values.

    Remote logout URL (Optional)

    https://sso.connect.pingidentity.com/sso/terminatesession?page=https://<URL to redirect users to>

    IP Ranges (Optional)

    Enter a range of IP addresses to restrict SSO to those locations. Users requesting sign on from outside those locations will be redirected to the Zendesk sign-on page.

    Leave this field blank to allow SSO from any location.

  9. Click Enabled
  10. Click Save.
In PingOne for Enterprise, click Continue to Next Step.