To use the Docker toolkit, you need to untar the toolkit. Run the following command to untar the toolkit:
tar -zxf pi-api-docker-toolkit-5.0.tar.gz
Untarring the Docker toolkit, creates the directory structure as shown in the following table:
Directory Description
bin Contains the script to build the Docker images
config Contains the docker.conf file to configure the base image name and the base image operating system
certs/webgui Contains the PingFederate public certificate file, webgui-sso-oidc-provider.crt. PingIntelligence Dashboard Docker image can be generated by optionally packaging it with the PingFederate public certificate.
data For internal use
external Contains the third-party software:
  • MongoDB 4.2.0
  • Elasticsearch 6.8.1
  • Kibana 6.8.1
  • OpenJDK 11.0.2 to 11.0.6
images Contains the created Docker images using the script
lib For internal use
license Contains the PingIntelligence license file.
Note: You can build the images without adding the license file to the license directory. If you build the Docker images without the license file in license directory, then you need to map or mount the license file in the /config/ directory.
logs Contains the log files
software Contains PingIntelligence ASE, ABS, and Dashboard

Configure docker.conf

Navigate to the config directory and edit the docker.conf file for base image name and base image operating system. Following is a sample docker.conf field:
# Base image name using which all the PingIntelligence images are created

# Operating system of the base image. The valid values are ubuntu or rhel

# Define the username for images. This user is added to the Docker 
# images. Containers created from these Docker images use the configured # user to run PingIntelligence software
Note: Do not set the user_name as root in docker.conf file.