Advanced Identity Cloud

Certificate Collector node

The Certificate Collector node collects an X.509 digital certificate from the request. The journey can use the collected certificate as authentication credentials for a user or OAuth 2.0 client.

PingAM accepts certificates in PEM and DER format.

Advanced Identity Cloud accepts certificates in DER format.

You can’t use this node in isolation because it only collects the certificate from the request. It doesn’t extract or validate the certificate’s content. Use a Certificate Validation node to validate the certificate and a Certificate User Extractor node to extract the user details from the certificate.


Product Compatible?

Advanced Identity Cloud


PingAM (self-managed)


Ping Identity Platform (self-managed)



This node reads the certificate from the request payload or in a request header. It doesn’t read anything from the shared state.


This node has no dependencies.


Property Usage

Certificate Collection Method

How the node should collect the certificate from the request. Possible values are:


The node locates the certificate in the request. Use this option if TLS termination happens at PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud.


The node locates the certificate in an HTTP header. Specify the header name in the HTTP Header Name for the Client Certificate property. Use this option if TLS termination happens in a proxy or load balancer outside PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud.


The node attempts to locate the certificate in the request. If there’s no certificate in the request, the node attempts to locate the certificate in the HTTP header specified in HTTP Header Name for the Client Certificate.

Default: Either

HTTP Header Name for the Client Certificate

The name of the HTTP header that contains the certificate. If you set the Certificate Collection Method to Header or Either, you must set a value here.

Default: No value

Trusted Remote Hosts

A list of IP addresses trusted to supply certificates on behalf of the authenticating client, such as load balancers doing TLS termination.

If you don’t set a value here, PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud rejects certificates supplied by remote hosts. If you set a value of any, PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud trusts certificates supplied by any remote host, on behalf of the authenticating client.

Default: No value



The node was able to collect the certificate.

Not Collected

The node was unable to collect the certificate.


The node outputs the X509 certificate to the transient state to be consumed by the Certificate Validation node.


  • If no certificate is provided in the configured location (either header or request), the node logs the following error:

    Certificate was not successfully collected based on node configuration and client request

  • If there’s a problem with the certificate provided in the header or in the request, the node logs the following error:

    CertificateFromParameter decode failed, possibly invalid Base64 input


This example shows an authentication journey using a certificate as credentials.

journey certificate auth
  1. The Certificate Collector node attempts to collect the certificate from the request body or the header.

  2. The Certificate Validation node attempts to validate the certificate based on the configuration of that node.

  3. The Certificate User Extractor node extracts the user ID from the certificate and attempts to find a match in the identity store.

    • If the username can be extracted and a matching user is found in the identity store, the journey increments the login count and authenticates the user.

    • If the username can’t be extracted or no matching user is found in the identity store, the journey proceeds to the Failure node.