Integrate with the Fedlet WAR File
You can integrate your applications with the Java Fedlet to perform many of the SAML v2.0 service provider operations. The Java Fedlet offers the SAML v2.0 capabilities identified in Fedlet Support for SAML v2.0 Features.
Integrate your application
The Fedlet includes the following files that you can use when building your own service provider application:
Configuration files copied to the
directory when you first deploy and configure the Fedlet. When deploying your application, you can move these to an alternate location passed to the Java virtual machine for the web application container at startup. For example, if you store the configuration under the/export/fedlet/
directory, then you could pass the following property to the JVM.-Dcom.sun.identity.fedlet.home=/export/fedlet/conf
You do not need to include these files in your application.
Sample SAML attribute query and response handlers.
Utility JSP to encode a password, such as the password used to protect a Java keystore.
Demo application. You can remove these before deployment to replace them with your application.
Sample SAML XACML query and response handlers.
Utility page to perform single log out.
JSPs to initiate single sign-on and single logout, and to handle errors, and also a JSP for obtaining Fedlet metadata,
. WEB-INF/classes/
Localized Java properties files for strings used in the Fedlet user interface.
Fedlet libraries required by your application.
Fedlet web application configuration, showing how JSPs map to URLs used in the Fedlet. Add mappings for your application before deployment.
In the
mappings, your application must be mapped to/fedletapplication
, as this is the assertion consumer URL set in the Fedlet metadata.<servlet> <servlet-name>yourApp</servlet-name> <jsp-file>/fedletSampleApp.jsp</jsp-file> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>yourApp</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/fedletapplication</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
Follow these steps for a demonstration of how to customize demo pages within the Fedlet:
Backup the
file.$ cd /path/to/tomcat/webapps/fedlet/ $ cp fedletSampleApp.jsp fedletSampleApp.jsp.orig
bash -
Edit the
file to reduce it to a single redirection to themyapp.jsp
page. An implementation of the<html>
element of the file follows below.<html> <head> <title>Fedlet Sample Application</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head> <body> <% // BEGIN : following code is a must for Fedlet (SP) side application Map map; try { // invoke the Fedlet processing logic. this will do all the // necessary processing conforming to SAML v2.0 specifications, // such as XML signature validation, Audience and Recipient // validation etc. map = SPACSUtils.processResponseForFedlet(request, response, new PrintWriter(out, true)); response.sendRedirect("myapp.jsp"); } catch (SAML2Exception sme) { SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "failedToProcessSSOResponse", sme.getMessage()); return; } catch (IOException ioe) { SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "failedToProcessSSOResponse", ioe.getMessage()); return; } catch (SessionException se) { SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "failedToProcessSSOResponse", se.getMessage()); return; } catch (ServletException se) { SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, response.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "failedToProcessSSOResponse", se.getMessage()); return; } // END : code is a must for Fedlet (SP) side application %> </body> </html>
html -
Add a
page to the Fedlet, such as the following:<html> <head> <title>My Application</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" /> </head> <body> <h1>My Application</h1> <p>After you change the <code>fedletSampleApp.jsp</code>, all it does is redirect to this home page after successful login.</p> </body> </html>
html -
Go to the Fedlet URL, such as
, and try one of the login methods.After login, you are redirected to the
Perform single sign-on
The Java Fedlet includes a JSP file, saml2/jsp/fedletSSOInit.jsp
that you can call to initiate single sign-on from the Fedlet (SP) side.
The Fedlet home page, index.jsp
, calls this page when the user does Fedlet-initiated single sign-on.
When calling this JSP, the parameters to use are those also used by
the saml2/jsp/spSSOInit.jsp
page in AM.
The parameters are described in Implement SSO and SLO.
For IdP-initiated single sign-on, call the appropriate page on the identity provider. AM’s page is described in Implement SSO and SLO.
After single sign-on, the user-agent is directed by default
to the assertion consumer URI set in the Fedlet metadata, which by default is /fedletapplication
Also by default, that URI points to the JSP, fedletSampleApp.jsp
Perform single logout
The Java Fedlet includes a JSP file, saml2/jsp/spSingleLogoutInit.jsp
that you can call to initiate single logout from the Fedlet (SP) side.
The Fedlet assertion consumer page, fedletSampleApp.jsp
calls this when the user does Fedlet-initiated single logout.
When calling this JSP,
the parameters to use are those also used by the saml2/jsp/spSingleLogoutInit.jsp
page in AM.
Those parameters are described in Implement SSO and SLO.
For IdP-initiated single logout, call the appropriate page on the identity provider. AM’s page is described in Implement SSO and SLO.
Set the RelayState
parameter when initiating logout to redirect the user-agent appropriately
when the process is complete.